Which 50mm's would you keep?


Local time
4:18 PM
Apr 30, 2008
Hi All,
I have been pretty fortunate is acquiring some fine 50mm glass over the years. But the reality is I could not possibly have the time needed to fully get to know intimately each lens of these lenses unique character and capabilities. All of them except for the VC, I purchased at good prices and believe I have decent equity in all of them. But I need to trim down to two. I would be interested in hearing others input as to which you would keep if faced with a similar decision. The lenses are as follows.

1. 50mm Summilux pre-ASPH BP
2. 50mm Summicron (newer pre APO with pop up hood)
2. 50mm Zeiss sonnar C f/1.5
4. VC 50mm Nokton f/1.1

I like all of them even the Nokton which has no real special character to my eye, but I have found the speed does come in handy at times. I am leaning towards keeping the summilux and summicron.

I think that the Nokton is certainly redundant. Then you have two lenses, which are somewhat similar: the Summilux and C Sonnar. While C Sonnar is sharper when stopped down, and prettier when opened up, in the middle it has the focus shift, which makes it a bit awkward to use. If you like to have a great portrait lens, you should keep the C Sonnar, then, depending on how critical is sharpness to you, you might choose the Summicron (sharpest) or Summilux (more flexible). If a special portrait lens is not so important to you, then Summicron and Summilux should stay.
I would keep the Summicron and Zeiss C Sonnar.

. . . . . today I'm in the mood for small footprint lenses.

On another day the answer may have been the Summicron and Summilux.

Whatever your decision, I think you are in a win/win situation.

Good luck with your decision.
I'm not fortunate enough to have used any of these lenses.

My way of making these calls has been based on:

- What is so differentiating about a lens that I'd take it out?
- What is exceptionally hard to find in its condition?

By default, I'd lean towards keeping one fast lens (which may be larger than I like for day to day use) and one smaller/daily carry lens.
Some great reply's guys... Thank you so much. See now that is exactly the issue I am having the sonnar or the summilux? They are similiar and the BP goes with my MP BP, but there is just something about the Sonnar.... But a sonnar is more easily replaced than a summilux BP and long term might be the better investment.
1. 50mm Summilux pre-ASPH BP
2. 50mm Summicron (newer pre APO with pop up hood)
2. 50mm Zeiss sonnar C f/1.5
4. VC 50mm Nokton f/1.1

Out of that set, I'd keep the Summicron and either the Summilux or Sonnar for a faster option. The Summicron is the reference Leica 50mm lens IMO.

My current choice of 50mm lens is the older Nokton 50mm f/1.5 ASPH (LTM) ... which produces rendering so close to a Summilux 50 you have to work to tell the difference. And the tiny Skopar 50mm f/2.5, so nice and small when you want to go light, with excellent character of its own (similar to an Elmar 50 from the 1960s).
I kept the Summicron and Sonnar, they complement each other.. replaced the Summilux with a Nokton 50/1.5 screw mount.
You nailed it with this: the Sonnar can be replaced for under $500 (funny, the Canon goes for more than the Zeiss these days). The Summilux not. From what I've seen I like the pre-ASPH Summilux a lot, but that's all pictures on the web so who knows what's true. In any case on the financial front the Summilux will keep and gain value that the Sonnar won't. Me, I'd keep three, what the hell, why make rules. Shoot the Summicon mostly, switch it up with either of the other two when you're in the mood. The only faster-than-f1.4-lens I'd murder for is the Noctilux 0.95. And my Nikon AIS 1.2 is a great lens through the aperture settings. But otherwise the difference between 1.4 and 1.1 on film seems negligible to me. Anyway if you insist on losing two, I'd sell the Sonnar before the Summilux by a looong way.
Keep the Summicron. After that keep either the Summilux or the Sonnar, depending on which one you like. In all reality, I'm with a few of the others and say sell the rest. I'd keep either the Summicron or Summilux then sell everything else. It would come down to a choice between those two.

Phil Forrest
Summicron and Summilux. If you have to choose 1 I think that model lux has a close focus distance of .7m, therefore I would keep that over the cron.
I think you only need to keep one of those: BP Summilux, no question!

I have owned many really excellent 50's, including Nikon 1.4 in ltm, latest Summicron (3 copies, all flared), Konica Hexanon (2 copies), Elmar-M, Elmar older version, and Summilux Asph. I have kept the Summilux Asph. and the Elmar-M. I love them both, but would be just as happy returning to my pre-asph. Summilux.

(I don't have any experience w/ the Sonnar and the Nokton, but I've seen photos taken with them and have not seen anything that would make me choose them over the Summilux.)
You guys are Puritans, man. One 50mm... C'est impossible! They're like children, a comfort in your old age. I have four RF 50s, two Sonnars and two Canons, the 1.4 and the 1.8 (that's a beautiful compact lens, btw), plus the Summicron-C 40mm. And then on the SLR shelves you don't want to know. But I'm telling you anyway. Pentax (2), Contax, Rokkor (3), Canon (2), Leica-R 60mm Macro, and then the Nikons, let's see, AIS f1.2, 1.4, 1.8, AI f2, pre-Ai 3.5 macro, AF f1.4D and 1.8D. And I want them G's too. I'd sell the D's if I got 'em. The rest, I'm keeping. My precious....... snort snort. So i say sell the Nokton and keep the rest. They are beautiful objects in the world. We get few enough of those anymore.