Replacing lens curtain crank on Mamiya 7


Local time
6:37 PM
Mar 23, 2007
The little crank on the bottom of the M7 that closes the lens curtain split in two (it's pretty flimsy plastic.) For 3 bucks, Mamiya sent me a replacement along with a schematic. It's supposed to be an easy self-repair. I have the requisite tools--jewelers screwdrivers, various tweezers, etc., but it is not self-evident how to get the broken one off. It's just the small part that folds that needs replacing. It's held by a pin similar to that which holds a watchband on a watch, but since the crank is recessed, the pin has no clearance to come out.

Has anyone done this, and if so, can you tell me how?


Hello Larry,
I read about your problem a bit too late I guess ;)

Anyhow just to let you know I make spare new levers (cranks) made of solid brass painted black that will last forever and I add an instruction document with photos for a step by step DIY safe job.

Should you need it, just let me know

all the best

Firstly, I would certainly recommend the replacement parts Paolo offers - I've replaced them on both my Mamiya 7IIs with no complaints. As to how to do it, I actually went slightly against Paolo's instructions - Sorry Paolo :D After unscrewing and removing the base plate [easy] I actually unscrewed the centre of the curtain crank and pulled the collar off - I'll come back to this. Once off, as my flip out levers were still ok, I actually snipped them in half with side cutters and slid both halves off the pins. Once that is done, push the pins from the centre of the round collar out - just enough that you can insert the new crank. Once inserted, just push the pins back in. Given some of the pushing and pulling to get this done I'm glad I first removed round collar entirely, but it needs to go back on in the right position. Unfortunately I didn't take note of this when I did mine but trying to close the curtain and seeing where it comes to then trying again fixed everything in a few attempts. Basically, if its in the wrong position the curtain wont close fully.