
It is a bus but it runs on RR tracks. Guaro, BGE Holguin province, Cuba


Tokyo, 1998. Shot through the windshield while waiting for the train to cross the street.
Leica M6, Noctilux 50mm f1.0, TriX in Xtol.

Berlin 1991. The Night Train to Sophia - midnight shot with M6 and Summicron 50mm f2.0 vIV and Neopan 1600 rated at 800 in Xtol.
The Indian train was shot in 1977. I'm not sure where. Scanned it a while ago, and can't find the original slide -- I suspect that since I didn't put the location in the pbase caption, it's not on the slide mount. Sorry.

its ok. I was 1 year old back then :p guess locomotives were still used all around India in those years. they still have few in regular operation, and as part of Indian Railways company. but are sort of curiosity trains for tourists.