Mininum Number of Cameras to Own

I guess it depends on the number of bags you own....
Each bag hold at least 2 bodies..
Then there is the option of buying another bag..

- 35mm
- MF
- LF?

- RF
- TLR?

- Japanese
- German
- um, okay, oh yeah - Swedish

- film
- digital
- video

Actually that should be "And" not "Or". It comes to 162. I think I may be getting close! :)
I refer you all to the thread on Ex wife and Ex girlfriend.
Posting there may be related to exceeding the limit s.

It's one of my favorite numbers and goes perfectly in this thread because the photograph is in the mind, not the gear.

Phil Forrest
2... One film and one digital...

But for future storage i think negatives are still better than digital... the chance that my house burns down is still alot smaller than the chance my harddisk crashes or my data gets corrupted after x transfers to another system... so curious to see if someone can come up with a device where one can transfer his digital image to a negative... ;)
the minimum and the maximum number of cameras to own are the same number: whatever it takes for you to do the photography you want to do.

I hope people realize that this is a joke/funny/satire aimed at many of our incessant need to buy new cameras and lenses.

Some people seemed to take it way too seriously.
There is an old guitar player joke that is appropriate here: Q: "How many guitars does a guitar player need?" A: "Just one more."