Which Leica-M?

Local time
3:29 PM
Mar 2, 2011
I only own a 50mm Summicron-M and just wondering which 35mm film M series camera to choose?

Second-hand is all I can afford, so I want it to be durable and reliable.
If you want a Leica specifically, an M3 is always a nice choice. Well, any of the M's are.

If you need a light meter, M5-M6 should be affordable in a budget, possibly an M7... And if you don't mind straying to another brand, the Bessa series are lovely and can be had at a nice budget price used.
In order:
MP,M6,M5,M4P,M4,M3,M4-2,M2 - I have deliberately excluded cameras with electronic shutters.
...unless of course you want to use 35mm, in which case the M3 drops to the end of the list. Or unless you're in love with the traditional Leica form/layout, in which case the M5 drops off altogether. Actually, come to think of it, I prefer my M2 to my M4-P, but it's not a strong preference either way.

On price, I'd go for M2 every time.


M3 if you don't mind having no meter, it was totally built for 50mm!

M5 if you want a meter and don't mind not being able to use collapsible lenses.
They're all good. In a way. Some are more good than others of course.

Keith you need to study each model - things like framelines, build quality, reliability, whether you need a built in meter or not, appearance etc etc and make up your mind which model you want. Then check prices, perhaps ebay completed listings and see what fits your budget. When you've decided what you want don't rush to buy the first one that comes along. Consider paying slightly more for a recently serviced example which comes with a dealers warranty.
I very much liked my M3, but as Roger says, not much good if you want something wider than a 50mm. If you want a 35mm lens, then an M2, unless you want a meter, then I either get an M6 or a Voigtlander VC II meter.
with meter M6 (any type will do so classic or TTL)
without built in meter: M4 or M2

why no M3 or M5 nor M4-P or M4-2
M3: not suited for 35mm lens (without goggles)
M5: to big
M4-P & M4-2: rangfinder not really bright
M7: well you don't need automation