Show off your TLR!


Carpe lumen!
Local time
8:10 PM
May 17, 2007
Hey, all the other camera dedicated fora here have a 'show us your camera' thread...

My new (to me) 1954 Rollei MX-EVS with the Schneider-K Xenar 3.5/75 before I change out the peeling front, top and back leathers with a custom cut from Morgan at ...

When I have the leather changed, I'll post the Two Toned Rollei photos too.
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Well, here is one of my cameras (this is the Rolleicord IV). I've got a Ia Model 3 and a Vb too.


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2.8 E2


well, it's not exactly my Rolleiflex, but it used to be... the crank went away and a very small but absolutely necessary part with it, so I sold it for part.... and bought another one, grey that time. My first T was a very early one, 1958. The current one was built in 1959-1960. It's amazing how different the photos are between the two cameras. I prefered the first one, but this one is amazing too...


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The Rolleis'

The Rolleis'

I have a 2.8E and it is off to Horst Wenzel for a much needed CLA and as Horst put after 50+ years - it is time. The 3.5T will go in after the 2.8E is back in hand. The T is just like new condition - with box even. Both are just a joy to shoot.

Gordy's Straps has designed a version for the Rolleiflex - and I have two on the way with neck pad. You might want to check with Gordy if you are looking for a strap.



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The quality of the picture is not good, but I took it 10 minutes ago for this thread.

Rolleiflex 3.5F model 3 (1966)



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Take a walk on the east side

Take a walk on the east side

Some eastern TLRs. Not trying to compare them with a Rollei but, very much against the general opinion, I like the photos made with them. Probably a matter of luck with the lenses in these models (certainly a very good price/result relationship...).
Three Russian sisters (the Komsomolyets is more a grandmother than a sister) and a Czech cousin.


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This is my Ricoh Diacord with one of my new straps that terrycioni ordered. Actually, it was an idea of Terry's that gave me the direction to come up with this strap design. Thanks Terry!


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OK. I got my custom leather kit from Morgan at to replace the peeling leather on my MXEVS. I thought, why do the whole thing...why not come up with something unique, so I went with granite (gray) leather on the front top and back and left the sides (which are in fine condition) and the center portion of the finder in black. Morgan tells me this is the first two tone Rollei that they've cut. I still need to clean up the old adhesive from where it has bleed out on to the chrome in the back, but the leather fit perfectly and was a breeze to put on.
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Here's my sweetie Yashica-mat 124G (Jassikkamaatti as my finnish friend calls her), she was spanking new when I bought her and has seen some use since then, couple of good-looking battle scars on her. Sorry about the poor picture, It's almost morning here in Finland and my curtains are closed, so it's pretty dark here.

Oh, and the funny thing about my Yashica is that the lightmeter works! And its darn accurate. The batterydoor is stuck (or I haven't used enough strength) so I cant check that what kind of battery she has. I could guess that it is the Legendary PX625. The leather case is nearly falling apart so I have to find a new strap soon. I also have the close-up add-on lenses for it, but havent used them yet. Do they detoriate optical quality? Because the Yashinon lens is quite a killer stopped down to f.5.6 or f.8


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Tags for the search engines: tlr size comparison compare yashica mamiya

People get far too worried about how big the Mamiya is. This example has the 135mm lens.

By the way, one of these cameras isn't mine.



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I swear I had already posted this in this thread. Maybe I'm on drugs. Anyway, please forgive the crummy photo, it was cropped from a "family portrait" taken with a friend's {d-word} camera. :)


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