Search results for query: Nostalgia

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  1. Timmyjoe

    Just for the enjoyment of it, or maybe it's Nostalgia

    ...but it is just so darn cute, and the way everything works on it, after 82 years, is just amazing. Maybe it's that I'm getting older and it's just nostalgia, I don't know. But how about you, are there any cameras that you love to use, even though they're not considered the "best"? Best, -Tim
  2. N

    Nostalgia as a contemporary concept of history

    ...that mean that history, as something worth to understand or to interpret the past or even as something to learn from has been replaced by an emotive representation of the past? Has nostalgia become a contemporary concept of history? Please feel free to shed some light into my dark brain...
  3. Richard G

    Kodachrome / transparency / film nostalgia

    I have been shooting digital most of this year, and even when exclusively film I have hardly used my scanners and put up with the indifferent scans from my film supplier. I made the fatal mistake of opening an old box of slides. Tonight I got out my Coolscan V and scanned a few. I had almost...
  4. PhotoMat

    Kodak Nostalgia

    While I am confident that Kodak's film products will continue to be with us for a while, I couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic for the "Golden Age" of that once iconic product line. While Kodak's legacy will be the millions of images made with their products, here's a little tribute to...
  5. FPjohn

    Independent: Snapshot Nostalgia
  6. P

  7. dmr

    Subway nostalgia ...

    For those who like urban/transit scenes, and I know there are a few here: Enjoy! :)
  8. D

    olympus 35rc nostalgia

    Hi everyone, I've attached an Oly 35rc brochure from way back that came with a recent camera purchase. Great old retro photos! Daryl
  9. S

    Severe Nostalgia gravis

    Many of you complain of GAS, mine is nostalgia. I had a Fed1g around 1960 and I've yearned for it ever since. It's got so bad that I've just got myself another one. Anyway, I've put some of my first Fed pictures in my gallery, the link should show up below. Some of you have already made your way...
  10. Evgeny S

    Kiev Nostalgia :-)

    Hello guys, I've just found these USSR ads of Kiev-4 and Kiev-5 cameras. Seems Kievs (2.2 lbs weight without the case) were definitely considered as "the best camera for usage by women". :D
  11. L

    Zorki Nostalgia - one more time

    I really do think we someone here should enter this competition, even though we could be 38 years too late. And if we are unlucky with the competition I guess we could call this dealer and see if he has any of his Zorkis left. Check the price of a Photosniper too!
  12. L

    You're unbeatable - Zorki Nostalgia

    This is from the days (1968)when £26 would buy you a lovely new Zorki and leave you with enough change for some chips, a pint of mild and bitter and a bus ride home... Also - check your lens serial numbers. Does anyone here now own this lens?
  13. R

    Night Photos and a bit of nostalgia

    For several months now I have been "meaning" to head to downtown Tucson at night to shoot some time lapse shots in and around the tall building in the area. I started out a few times only to find that some event was going on there and the whole area was blocked off and full of people. Now that's...
  14. Peter Klein

    Childhood Idyll (J-8 as nostalgia lens)

    There's something about the quality of the Jupiter 8's 1930s Sonnar design that suited this subject.
  15. Carburo

    Canon LTM QL17 nostalgia

    Hi! I'm looking around for a good Canonet QL17 GIII. It was the first camera I took in my hands, my father had given it to me when I was 11 yo. What a present! :) I took a lot o pics with it, and then, years later, the camera was stolen. Now is possible to find good QL17s on Ebay, but I really...