1930's Balda Baldi Half Frame 127

That is a great looking car in #2. I'm not familiar w/ your camera even though there's been a LOT of Baldas come through here. Most were 35mm w/ that funny film key winder on the bottom. Do you have any pics of it? A hood might be a good purchase for it.
Personally, I think Baldas are folder sleepers. I have four folders, and my Balda Hapo 66e (a department store model) is by far the best. I'm taking it with me this weekend to LA loaded with Ektachrome 200 (120). I do have to say the pedestrian Agfa Isolette II is also pretty good (rugged). But the Balda has a built-in uncoupled RF which is really nice.

You seem to be having a great time with yours, good luck with it.
what an amazing camera, from the 1930s!!
how good on you that you are using it. the low contrast photos have a particular charm that can be put to good use