Best of Random Gallery Pics


May contain traces of nut
Local time
12:56 AM
Apr 3, 2006
Random Gallery Picks are one of the greatest features of this site IMHO - because every now and then, a real gem pops up from years ago that you would never notice otherwise. Unfortunately, they're also a bit transient - next time you load the site, your random picks are gone, and you can't share them with anyone else.

This thread is for posting some of the gems turned up in "Random gallery picks" and sharing them with others. Post them as you find them, best with a link to the gallery page.


March of the Crabs (2006), by DavidH
A great idea for a thread. I'll happily join in when a gem pops up, the transcient nature of the Random Picks is great but sharing some is a wonderful way to point out some great but perhaps forgotten images.

DavidH was a regular poster to the gallery when I first joined RFF and he made the most of the many interesting locations that his job took him. His gallery is well worth a look.
I always seem to notice the interesting ones just after I've clicked on something else, and a fraction of a second before it vanishes back into the gallery
Periodically I go way back in the Gallery and find many especially interesting images. Is there a way to regenerate random picks or is it only possible when we login?

...OK, I answered my own question, I think.
Thank you, thank you! Now I get it. Now for some practice. Its really fun looking back at the entire RFF gallery... great stuff there. And now we have a thread for all this play. :)