Massachusetts Boston meeting Jan. 2012?

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Local time
8:57 PM
Jul 26, 2007
I spoke with one of the folks (Ben) who attended our last Boston meeting. We agreed that we should try for another meet up in January. Given the possibility of foul weather, this should probably be an indoor meet-and-greet affair.

Let's hear some suggestions for dates and venues!

I'll start by suggesting that we meet again at the Beacon Tavern (Beacon @ St. Mary's). Early afternoon on a Sunday seems convenient for most, and the parking will be easy (and free). How about 15 Jan.?

And remember the door prize for one lucky individual: an archival print (carbon on cotton) of your choosing. You never know. :D

Anyway, I'll bring a print or two as well... It was fun to look at Harry's prints last time, and it would be nice to look at more pictures.
I would enjoy meeting some of y'all. My company is located near Boston and I'm there once every three months. It would be nice to make some connections. If you make it January 29, I could attend. I will be in town from Milan for a few days, including that weekend. So I vote for that Sunday.
Will be great to have a meeting. As the previous winner of Harry's generous print offer, I'll tell you he makes a great print.

The 15th is unlikely for me, but I'll keep watching.
I spoke with one of the folks (Ben) who attended our last Boston meeting. We agreed that we should try for another meet up in January. Given the possibility of foul weather, this should probably be an indoor meet-and-greet affair.

Let's hear some suggestions for dates and venues!

I'll start by suggesting that we meet again at the Beacon Tavern (Beacon @ St. Mary's). Early afternoon on a Sunday seems convenient for most, and the parking will be easy (and free). How about 15 Jan.?

And remember the door prize for one lucky individual: an archival print (carbon on cotton) of your choosing. You never know. :D


We seem to have enough yeas to constitute a quorum. But we need to separate the "I'd like to..." from the "I will..." because I'll need to reserve adequate space at the Beacon Tavern, and Sunday afternoon is brunch time for many.

So, if you're relatively certain that you'll attend, I'd like to hear from you. You can contact me most easily by email: hflockwoodATverizonDOTnet, or pm me if that's better for you.

As for the rules of the meeting, there are none. Bring gear (rf or not; film or digital), bring photos, or come empty handed. Very informal, very friendly, no age discrimination; the latter to protect me. :p

And as for the door prize, only one restriction. Because he picked his own name out of the hat last time, we're not going to let ColSebastianMoran (Rick) pick the winner this time. Two in a row will strain our credibility. :D

Lastly, if you know a photographer who may be unaware of these meetings, please bring him/her into the fold. And BTW, it would be very nice to have the fair sex represented; we know you're out there.

Harry, excluding me is perfectly reasonable. I was thinking the same thing myself.

The print you made for me is fab. Much appreciated!

Sorry, but I probably will not be able to make a Jan 15 meeting.
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