David Murphy
My experience with both the Canon's has been very positive, especially the 28/3.5. The 28/2.8 was really pushing boundaries optically when it first came out, but it is a beautiful compact gem of a lens that does a decent job, especially stopped down a little. The Avenon/Kobalux 28/3.5 is a modern and superior lens optically to the similar Canon, but I have found the build quality to be fairly poor.
Just another hotel clerk
I had a Canon 28/3.5 on a Leica CL that I liked a lot. I used the whole VF to frame and it worked well for me.
I currently use a Kobalux 28/3.5 on my M 240 and I must say I find it superior to the Canon though the old Canon lenses were second to none in build quality.
Hope this is of some help.
I currently use a Kobalux 28/3.5 on my M 240 and I must say I find it superior to the Canon though the old Canon lenses were second to none in build quality.
Hope this is of some help.
Deleted member 65559
I'm going to try a 40-43 step up ring to see if that eliminates the vignetting wide open...... since i have some 43mm filters.