Getting the tones right in your B&W photos -

Well exposed, just maybe...

But those could have been underexposed, and then scanned and brought up with photoshop to any desired point. Apart from saying there was no overdevelopment, I could know nothing...

For this forum, as it's the best one, we'd all deserve all forum members tell if their images were printed or if they're not a real positive from what they got when clicking and developing...


He doesn't say what developer he's using, or how much agitation, but Tri-X at 250 can produce some stunning results.
So many variables, but if I were guessing, I say he put the white jackets in Zone VII or Zone VI.5. I think he shot at box speed, the shadows fall off quickly. I appears it is an overcast day which would help shadows, so maybe a small push, but very small (??450-500).
I dont think I explained myself very well. Another try...If you look at Walter's portfolio there is a certain uniformity about the photos, with what seems a preponderance of darkish middle grey cast yet still attaining sharp whites and black blacks.

Many thanks -