Inglourious Basterds


Ambitious, but rubbish
Local time
10:07 PM
Dec 28, 2007
Didn't notice any particular cameras, but I was pleased to spy the Zeiss Ikon logo on a film projector shown in the movie.
Last night I saw a vintage Retina used in the film "The North Face" which takes place in 1936. I recall the Mel Gibson and Linda Hunt wield a Nikon F prominently in "The Year of Living Dangerously."
I guess I was pleased for the same reason that one would be pleased to see a certain camera in a movie - just some knowledge I guess that lets you notice something that the average viewer wouldn't. Like knowing that the motorcycle Steve McQueen rode was actually a Triumph made to look like an old BMW! or that he doubled as one of the soldiers chasing him - so he was actually chasing himself!
Then why did you ask? :D
mmm....I'll put it another way!....I did wonder - but am not that interested to go into detailed dialogue about it!. Perhaps - in common with most others that hang around here, I like to engage in a little trivial 'small-talk' about you? :)
actually - since coming here, I no longer look for cameras in movies....I'm too intent on watching for the bokeh! :D

That's funny, since I've started coming here, I've been spotting cameras left and right in films that I never would have noticed before. I always notice really silly stuff like when someone is shooting with a Leica and the VF is portrayed as being an on camera flash.
movie "Hoffa" when jack Nicholson is on steps going to prison, saw a few what looked like rangefinders being used by press.
Like the Leica used in Blood Diamonds that sounds a lot like an SLR. Plus she's never seen actually focusing, just pointing and shooting. I guess that's where P&S comes from.
mmm....I'll put it another way!....I did wonder - but am not that interested to go into detailed dialogue about it!. Perhaps - in common with most others that hang around here, I like to engage in a little trivial 'small-talk' about you? :)


So when are you coming out shooting with us Dave? :)
Like the Leica used in Blood Diamonds that sounds a lot like an SLR. Plus she's never seen actually focusing, just pointing and shooting. I guess that's where P&S comes from.
I've watched Blood Diamond six or seven times. She's definitely using the Leica correctly. She focus when using the camera at the refugee camp and when meeting the resistance fighters (although she is too close for the group shot with the 35mm). She even shoots right-eyed!
I guess I was pleased for the same reason that one would be pleased to see a certain camera in a movie - just some knowledge I guess that lets you notice something that the average viewer wouldn't. Like knowing that the motorcycle Steve McQueen rode was actually a Triumph made to look like an old BMW! or that he doubled as one of the soldiers chasing him - so he was actually chasing himself!

I like that: and I like them to be correct too. And again, I get tell my wife what a pile of nuts that movie was, they didn't even get the cameras right. But the real question is was the Ikon logo the same that was used in WWII?
Great movie! Just watched it today and really enjoyed the flick. Not my favorite Tarantino film (that would be Pulp Fiction) but a fun fantasy WWII movie. Quite bloody though.