Jason's 20 Greatest Cameras of all Time -- Hits? Missess ?


Head Bartender
Staff member
Local time
3:13 AM
Mar 1, 2005
check out his just re-published list from 2018

Does Noteworthy always translate to Greatest?

Why not the Epson RD1 instead of the trouble prone Leica M9?

Why not the Konica Hexar RF as the first of the NON Leica M mounts?

Why not my favorite Canon SLRs - the T90 and RT?

The Pentax K1000? Really? Does best selling = Greatness?

Why not the Hasselblad V?

as the usual suspect greatest cameras duke it out among their fans ...

Greatest all time ?

Greatest all time ?

check out his just published list

Does Noteworthy always translate to Greatest?

Why not the Epson RD1 instead of the trouble prone Leica M9?

Why not the Konica Hexar RF as the first of the NON Leica M mounts?

Why not my favorite Canon SLRs - the T90 and RT?

The Pentax K1000? Really? Does best selling = Greatness?

Why not the Hasselblad V?

as the usual suspect greatest cameras duke it out among their fans ...


......the Leica M9 ?? really.
I cant comment on the digital cameras but the top 10 film cameras looks good to me.
Maybe i would have skipped the K1000 and include a Hasselblad 1600F instead.
I would have included the original Pentax Spotmatic in place of the K1000 as the Spotmatic was the first camera introduced with TTL metering. (I know it was not the first actually to market.) And it was better made and looks prettier than the K1000. (I own both and like both.)

I think the list of digital cameras omits the most important and popular one of all time—the iPhone.
I'd expect to see a view camera there & maybe a press camera too. Deardorff is almost the solid equivalent of Nikon, building cameras from 1923-1988.
It is obviously hard to limit the number of great cameras to just 10 given this is a wholly arbitrary number. And equally it is obvious that any choice is somewhat subjective and personal.

I do not know that I would necessarily disagree with any on the list although there are some I have very little knowledge of (e.g. the Apple Quick Take on the digital list) but one I camera I can think of that I would be tempted to include is something like the Asahi Pentax (apparently sometimes unofficially designated AP), Asahi Pentax S or K from 1957 / 1958. I think of these as being in some ways similar to the original Kodak of 1888 - a new type of camera for the masses.

They were the first SLR type to capture a large share of the market with an "instant" return mirror which minimized viewfinder block out (and for that matter very quickly also acquired semi-auto lens apertures). These cameras, it can be argued, helped the Japanese camera market take off in popularity amongst ordinary users in the way that, say, the Nikon F did amongst high end users and pros. And it is for that reason I would be inclined to include them: They were breakout products which changed the market for most users by introducing them to a usable SLR camera. And it helped make the Japanese camera industry become the behemoth it now is and has been for 60 years. Oh and in the case of these early Pentax SLRs, they are genuinely beautiful cameras to look at, to handle and to use though the build is a little light by comparison with the Nikon F.


Crap as far as I am concerned. Some are great, some were groundbreaking (which does not mean great) and some are crap, start to finish. The best digital camera list is even worse.
The top 10 film cameras are fine. The digital list is terrible though, Quick Take instead of the iPhone? Lol.

That the list misses out the biggest revolution in cameras, and one that’s consigning large portions of the camera industry to the dustbin is laughable.
I have seen so many "greatest" list it burns my eyes. Another subjective "I like these cameras" list. Don't care.
The thing about the K1000 is that it lives in revisionist history. When it was made it never was viewed as anything desirable or aspirational.
It was a basic lump that you could not turn off the meter unless you capped the camera, that had no DOF preview etc, with many much better cameras available at the same time, including the Nikkormat FT2 which cost a lot more. I think at least double the cost of the Pentax new vs new.

But now, somehow the K1000 is seen as a top tier film camera, costing 3-4 times as much as the FT2! Because? I dunno, lists like this?

As for the M9? Of course it belongs. It was the first full frame Digital RF camera that peeps could use their legacy M glass with no shortcomings. No stoopid crop factor.. Can you imagine anyone introducing a crop M mount Digital camera now? ...
Seems like a list of ground breaking cameras more than the best... still, a very good read. Thanks!
K1000?? I see them all the time around the necks of college students studying film. Lord knows why, because an FM2n is a far better camera to learn on. Even an OM1 or Pentax MX and its relations.

Minimalist, hipster chic.
Pretty good, but you/they lost me in the digital section. I was on Lake Como in a boat and I guy had a Canon Digital camera (beyond me at the time), it was too huge especially for a vacation. I said, 'I didn't know Canon made a medium format camera.'
Pretty good, but you/they lost me in the digital section. I was on Lake Como in a boat and I guy had a Canon Digital camera (beyond me at the time), it was too huge especially for a vacation. I said, 'I didn't know Canon made a medium format camera.'

I wish I was on Lake Como right now.
K1000?? I see them all the time around the necks of college students studying film. Lord knows why, because an FM2n is a far better camera to learn on. Even an OM1 or Pentax MX and its relations.

I think the K1000 has become "famous for being famous".

I got mine brand-new in 1979, and at the time, it was seen as the cheapest, most bare-bones camera-shaped object available. It got no respect. I was taking Photography in H.S. and needed something in a hurry to replace the jammed Minolta SR-1 I'd been using. The teacher almost made me try to return the K1000 if I could, because it lacked some of the features he felt were prerequisites for a proper student camera (chiefly, self timer and DOF preview). That those items were found on the very next rung up the K-series ladder is almost completely forgotten by K1000 users today.
To me some of those listed cameras are very close. I still own and use digital Rebel and Canon 5D was awesome.
Canon T90

Canon T90

check out his just published list

Does Noteworthy always translate to Greatest?

Why not the Epson RD1 instead of the trouble prone Leica M9?

Why not the Konica Hexar RF as the first of the NON Leica M mounts?

Why not my favorite Canon SLRs - the T90 and RT?

The Pentax K1000? Really? Does best selling = Greatness?

Why not the Hasselblad V?

as the usual suspect greatest cameras duke it out among their fans ...


The T90 was a very capable camera indeed.
The SWC is still very popular today, which is a sign of success.