M10 on South Beach this moring


Local time
10:10 PM
Mar 8, 2005
Title should read "morning" i was just too excited

I saw an unusual Leica this morning at breakfast. It had gaffer tape on the front. It was shaped like the titanium M9. More rounded and without a full wrap around cover. The photographer was downloading photos wirelessly to his iPad from it.

I went over to speak with him at point blank asked if that was an M10. He admitted it. It was 36mp. The lens was a large 35mm 0.95.

The back looked like it had a built in thumbs-up.

He let me hold it. I was surprised the frame lines were sort of a digital overlay rather than the normal optical projected I am used to. The front of the camera had one fewer window than my M8. I think there was some type of LED focus confirmation.

I took a few photos of it. Pretty cool way to start April.
Good effort actually. Well thought through on the technical details, just the right tone. In a different school this might have done better. 9/10.
Title should read "morning" i was just too excited

I saw an unusual Leica this morning at breakfast. It had gaffer tape on the front. It was shaped like the titanium M9. More rounded and without a full wrap around cover. The photographer was downloading photos wirelessly to his iPad from it.

I went over to speak with him at point blank asked if that was an M10. He admitted it. It was 36mp. The lens was a large 35mm 0.95.

The back looked like it had a built in thumbs-up.

He let me hold it. I was surprised the frame lines were sort of a digital overlay rather than the normal optical projected I am used to. The front of the camera had one fewer window than my M8. I think there was some type of LED focus confirmation.

I took a few photos of it. Pretty cool way to start April.

Have mentioned this several times before. It would make sense with regards to easier manufacturing (read: cost reduction) while conveying a sense of modernity with the greater part of the clientele.

Needless to say I'm fiercely opposed to it :D, since it's more electronics.
if it had been 35/1.2 Leica lens, it would have been perfect April 1st prank for Leica gear heads. but good now as well :)
Impressionistic imaging, great color, rare subject matter....what's not to like :)

Actually, I do like them. And, if you were to blow them up poster size, you may even add a pixilated look to the softness.

The next time I see that old lady w/ the hat walking around my neighborhood, I'll have the Nikon ready! Or the M11.2.
Had me going for a second. Especially since the Leica M9-P (paparazzi photo of seal wearing it) and 5D mk3 (Guy using it in the field) revelations came in much the same fashion.