New Old Stock Beirette VS


Pretended Artist
Local time
9:33 PM
Sep 2, 2011
Came across a new in box Beirette VS, with the box dated October '71. Still had a warning slip about proper film loading tucked in the film chamber. Oddly, missing the flimsy plastic ever ready case these shipped with (perhaps swapped onto another camera in the 70s, and that's why this was was left untouched?).

Instruction sheet. Lens scale marked in feet. I don't know if these were sold in the U.S., so maybe intended for the U.K. market? (although by '71 I think England was using the metric system, so maybe they did sell these in the U.S.)

The only issue I'm having is the albada finder doesn't show the frame lines, except when held at a particular angle to a light source, dead on or backlit, no frame lines. A bit put off by that because I was hoping this would have a nice VF, so I could replace the Regula Picca I have (which has an excellent bright line finder, but the advance jams too often for me to trust it).


Can't wait to send a roll through it. Very compact, not quite Rollei 35, but about the same size as a Bolsey B2.
I never seen these for sale new in Canada in the 1970s.. I think they never were sold in the USA either.

I heard these DDR made cheapo 35mm cameras were sold in the UK by Boots (the chemist or pharmacy stores chain).
Still many imperial measurements in 1971 so entirely feasible it's for the UK, not that I recall seeing them, but then I was only 6 then and not a photography nut.