Photo's with Equipment that you are Proud to Own.

Sonnar Brian

Product of the Fifties
Staff member
Local time
7:02 AM
Jan 12, 2004
We talked a lot about gear that we like, dislike, could care less about.

So this is for RFF Members. How about some Photographs TAKEN with the gear that you are proud to own.

I'm proud of this 1953 J-3. It was a mess when I got it. Rebuilt it, and replaced the front element with on made 30 years later. Reset the helical, shimmed the optics, works quite well now.


And if you are not proud of anything, you can always start a thread "Photo's with gear that you could care less about". I might do that Myself, to beat you to it....
hmmm......I am not proud to own any of my equipment, and honestly I could not care less about any of it either even though it's good stuff from the top manufacturers. So long as it keeps working. Oh, and of course I would not want any of it stolen because i'd have the expense of replacing it. OK, I'm happy I can afford good equipment but that's about where it ends.....
Pride in owning seems a bit err... not really relevant, to put it mildly.
I am proud of some pictures, and am lucky enough to have nice gear that I like to use.
Brian, I think I understand completely you pride, because you rescued this lens. It's your work you are proud of, not the owning.
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It's not a rangefinder but I'm very proud to use the same 1954 Rolleicord my father bought new right after he'd got his first paid job. This photo is one of the first ones that I shot with the camera. I barely knew how to operate it at the time having used fully automatic digital wonders for many years.

I rarely use it but I am quite proud of my Rolleiflex 3.5E. The camera doesn't look like a shelf-queen but is fully functional. This photo is one of my favorites taken with it:


f/8.0 and 5 minutes exposure on 400VC
I took this shot with an old Kodak Vigilant 620 that my daughter brought me as a gift from England. She spotted it in an antique shop and thought I'd like it. I don't use the camera much, but always cherish it because of her gesture.

There are several pieces of gear that I am very "proud" of owning, in the sense that I still give them the use they deserve, however I feel this one is a most remarkable accomplishment in modern photography and still a standard to beat: Hasselblad SWC/M with its 38/4.5 Biogon

I get your drift, Brian...

I am very proud of owning my late dad's Contax over the last 25 years. It is not everyday that you get to do this with the same camera and lens, 56 years apart:


I have a few that I'm proud of owning and using..

500CM that my wife used while working as a portrait photog.

Rolleiflex 2.8 Planar

Leica M3 that my wife bought for me at christmas one year, a 'beater' by anyones standards but it holds some sentimental value.

Leica MP, had to save a while for this one

Osaka 4x5 LF, nuff said

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There are several pieces of gear that I am very "proud" of owning, in the sense that I still give them the use they deserve, however I feel this one is a most remarkable accomplishment in modern photography and still a standard to beat: Hasselblad SWC/M with its 38/4.5 Biogon


Stunning photo, mfogiel! I see quite a lot of very nice photos from your posts. You obviously have skills. I think part of your success is whatever technique you're using for scanning. Your photos always display fairly large on my screen, and usually with very fine grain. If you'd care to enlighten us, I'd love to hear.
Konica Auto S2. It was very clean when I got it, but it still needed a bit of work. I fixed the meter circuit and the frame counter, and tuned the infinity and rangefinder focus.

The KAS2 is a fabulous, magical camera.



@ crawdiddy

My scanning strategy is based on 3 pillars:
1- I try to use high acutance, compensating developers, possibly pyro, like Prescysol EF (great with Tri X) or Tanol Speed (processed in semi stand like Prescysol EF gives great results with slower films, enhancing a bit the speed). This way I get great sharpness at the negative stage and less need to sharpen in PS
2- I use Nikon CS 9000, whenever practical with the glass film holder for best film flatness. Apparently the diffuse light of this scanner minimizes grain
3- I use Vuescan for scanning, making a preview of each image and making sure there is no histogram clipping. If the film is too dense and clips the highlights, I scan as positive
Post some photo's taken with the Kodak Pony. They would fit right into the purpose of this thread. I'll put some up with my Hi-Matic 9, spent an entire Summer mowing lawns to earn it. Still in good working order after 40 years.
My Crown Graphic ... I love the look and feel of the thing and getting an image takes patience and routine. To me it's the most 'real' camera I own!

