Super Sites

Bill Pierce

Local time
9:08 AM
Sep 26, 2007
It’s probably time to once again exchange our favorite internet photo sites with each other. As always, my two favorites are Kirk Tuck’s site

and Mike Johnston’s at

Although both deal with equipment, that is only a portion of what they write.

On the equipment end of things, I have to recommend Dustin Abbott as one of the most extensive and thorough reviewers. His youtube channel is

His equipment reviews can also be found at his website along with numerous other items and articles.

Many of the best individual reviewers are associated with one camera brand. Mark Galer is the one-man Superbad for Sony gear. This will take you to the page on his website with links to a number of lessons on the use of Sony cameras, which often turns out to be good advice for other cameras.

They can also be found on his youtube channel

Those are my suggestions for now. Toss in your favorites and we’ll have a lot of reading material for the increased at home time that the pandemic has created for many of us.
I don't really spend too much time on gear-specific sites but the Polish site is really great for research. It's done by the same guys who do Lenstip. Use Google translate unless you read Polish.

Thom Hogan's site is another interesting gear site. My eyes sometimes glaze over when reading Thom's articles due to his emphasis on the newest technology over practical function but he knows his stuff and I've learned a lot from him.

While I don't read it that often, is also a wealth of technical knowledge--often very technical, eyeglazinly so.

The Online Photographer is a site I go to every day. I share his taste in lenses and I like going to the archives for research. His writing style is also enjoyable.

I also enjoy very often. Tim is an excellent photographer in the style I prefer. Although the site is Leica and film centered, it's not anti-digital by any means.

I spend way too much time online these days so there are numerous other sites I visit fairly regularly but these come to mind readily.
If you ever want to deal with nice person.

Cool dude who does street photography and able to do it without Leica, but have lust for it :)

Person who is great m43 ambassador

Old style photographer who tells good things and glorifies Nikon F3 with odd lens on it.

Another nice person who shows what film is alive and no Leica, $$$ is needed to keep it alive:

Site which shows you what you don't not Nortlix f1.2 APO for flowers pictures: