What have you just BOUGHT?


Local time
1:33 AM
Mar 7, 2010
What was (were) your most recent purchase(s); why and when?

Been on a big spree lately, I don't know why. In the last two weeks I've hit yes to the following, all from users on RFF:

Canon F-1 (today - should arrive in 7-8 days, thanks christopher t!)

Olympus Stylus Epic (andredossantos)
Kodak Retina IIa

Nikon FG
Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5
Series E 50mm f/1.8

The F-1 kit was too good to pass up; I haven't ever used or even liked Canon before but also feel brand-loyalty to be a little silly if you've never tried what else is out there.

The Retina IIa I've been hunting for a while, but got a Voigtlander Vito B and sort of forgot about it. The Stylus I got cos I couldn't find a Yashica T4 anywhere and wanted a nice little AF point & shoot 35mm.

The FG I got cos I still have a bunch of old NIkkors lying around and have regretted selling both my FM2 and F2A (to finance a Mamiya 6 years ago)
Haha, nice (ruby.monkey).

I also just bought 3x rolls of '98 Agfachrome 200, 2x rolls of Rollei ATP 32, 1x of Agfacolor Ultra 50 and a couple more obscure rolls I left in my office.
Mint Konica Auto S3 and a close-up attachment. Nice little camera. I have running first roll of film through it. If I like it I will try to locate a X-20 flash for it too.
I surprised myself by selling a lot of my (actually, all of my) redundant gear and buying a Pentax K-5 and 31mm Limited. Selling my previous 31mm was stupid--it's the best lens of any kind I have ever used, both ergonomically and IQ-wise. But the Pentax sensors at the time didn't impress me. The K-5 has brought me back on board.
probably my last new film camera...

a Chamonix 045N-2 + and some older used lenses (240Tele-Xenar, 150Sironar-N, 90/8SuperAngulon)...

this displaces a bunch of 35mm and a Minolta Autocord that I wasn't using much.
in the last month or so i've been on a spree
Fed 4
industar 61
pentax below
M28 f3.5
M50 1.7 x 2
k 55 f2.0
Super Tak 55 f1.8
M100 f2.8
k 135 f3.5
M200 f4.0
Tokina 80-200 RMC f4.0 (came with bundle to be flogged)
A bunch of ass't filters
a brick of Legacy Pro 100
A Brick of Legacy pro 400

And I've got my on on a K5 possibly if i can swing it or a good deal on a k7
I'm also being tempted by some old folders and may p/u a zeiss at a collectors sale on sunday ( a local collector is selling off a big chunk of Zeiss)
Not exactly splashed out, but just got another Lowepro Terraclime 100 shoulder bag. Using one as my daily manbag / P&S bag and will use the new one for my minimal kit. Got a Billingham for days when I need to carry more stuff.
Gonna sell my Domke F-5xb and F-803 and Eastpak Manhattan as they don't suit me and never get any use.
What was (were) your most recent purchase(s); why and when?

Been on a big spree lately, I don't know why. In the last two weeks I've hit yes to the following, all from users on RFF:

Canon F-1 (today - should arrive in 7-8 days, thanks christopher t!)

Olympus Stylus Epic (andredossantos)
Kodak Retina IIa

Nikon FG
Zoom-Nikkor 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5
Series E 50mm f/1.8

The F-1 kit was too good to pass up; I haven't ever used or even liked Canon before but also feel brand-loyalty to be a little silly if you've never tried what else is out there.

The Retina IIa I've been hunting for a while, but got a Voigtlander Vito B and sort of forgot about it. The Stylus I got cos I couldn't find a Yashica T4 anywhere and wanted a nice little AF point & shoot 35mm.

The FG I got cos I still have a bunch of old NIkkors lying around and have regretted selling both my FM2 and F2A (to finance a Mamiya 6 years ago)

I'm envious about the Canon F-1. I thought very hard about buying it -- a serious childhood wish fulfillment situation.
I surprisingly haven't bought anything (equipment-wise) in a (little) while. My last photo purchase was a pile of 120 and 135 Rollei Retro 80s. Oh wait, and I received an old Minolta SRT-100 with 50/1.4 and 135/2.8 from a colleague, but haven't paid for it yet (he won't send me his PayPal payment address) so I don't consider it a "purchase" :). And I'm shopping for a VC Nokton 35/1.2.
Over the last two month


- Canon QL19 GIII

- Canon A35F

- Agfa Sensor 200

- A Ricoh SLR (already forgot the name, since I sold it quickly)

- Balda Super-Baldax

- Konica Big-Mini

- Olympus Stylus epic

- Leica II with Leitz Elmar


- Minolta MD 45 f2 + m4/3 adapter

- Fujian 35mm f1.7 C-Mount

- Voigtlander Super-Wide Heliar


- Gossen Sixtar

- Lots of film

- Flash for my E-P1

- Aki-Asahi leatherette

My gosh :eek:
Back in August I bought a Mamiya 6 and made a vow to myself that I wouldn't buy anything until 2011.
Well, it seems 2011 came a bit earlier than expected..... Happy New Year everyone :)
A Sony Nex 3 and a Pentax 67 (talk about different ends of the size and weight spectrum) will be delivered this week.