what hinders you?

I am hindered by my lack of talent, a certain dilenttantism that sees me flit around without real application, and a lack of patience.

I suspect none of those will be changing any time soon, but I enjoy what I do, and don't really worry. It's a hobby for me, no more.

i'm not a very firm believer in the importance of talent. go do your thing.
In my photography I encounter many obstacles.
I'd like to connect with other strangers. I'd like to photograph people shamelessly.
I try to free myself from the academic technical rules to make my photographic fantasy fly, but I struggle a lot.
Basically, to photograph better, I should avoid myself and my inhibitory brakes.
Should I drink more?
P.S. Congratulations Simon for your excellent photos.
What hinders me ... nothing.

Well there is one thing of course, the only thing that actually hinders every photographer: No light.

Other than that, nothing really hinders me ... anymore. Between the start of this thread and now there was a masterclass I took and grabbed a piece of advice to a specific subject and recognized this as concept for my entire photography and I ran with it. This was about 2.5 years ago and still works for me.
Find a teacher, a master, be open and sensitive and filter what applies to you. Sometimes it's a small idea that literally breaks down a wall that was hindering you. Your photography and you as a person.
Obviously it's difficult to find the right master and you'll only know afterwards if you wasted time and money. If you don't try, you won't find out.
I was lucky enough that it just clicked for me.
I think my biggest hindrance is wanting everything to be a masterpiece and not putting in the time to practice. This especially applies to my darkroom
Catching CV19 and then developing COVID is a massive impediment for many including myself. However that doesn’t stop the GAS and to counter this tendency I’ve recently considered disabling eBay on my tablet. ��
I like a bit of street photography but I’m too concerned to venture into the city. Hopefully when and if a vaccine or therapeutic medicine turns up...
I’ve been planning doing some home photography by setting up a table top studio, but I’m more a person who wants to express how I feel, or capture the human condition in others, so photographing inanimate objects is less appealing. But I have the urge to photograph so photograph I must.
Covid-19 is limiting the places where it's safe to take pictures in Saigon, a very busy city with a high population density. This situation is forcing me to take pictures in the quiet suburbs and that provides many new interesting challenges. Cheers, OtL
What hinders me ... nothing.

Well there is one thing of course, the only thing that actually hinders every photographer: No light.

Other than that, nothing really hinders me ... anymore. Between the start of this thread and now there was a masterclass I took and grabbed a piece of advice to a specific subject and recognized this as concept for my entire photography and I ran with it. This was about 2.5 years ago and still works for me.
Find a teacher, a master, be open and sensitive and filter what applies to you. Sometimes it's a small idea that literally breaks down a wall that was hindering you. Your photography and you as a person.
Obviously it's difficult to find the right master and you'll only know afterwards if you wasted time and money. If you don't try, you won't find out.
I was lucky enough that it just clicked for me.

I always wanted to take a class from Monte Zucker, but he passed away before I could arrange it. That's when I wanted to do portraits. I'm still working fulltime, so that's a hindrance for taking workshops, etc. I'm looking forward to retirement in a few years, when I can concentrate on my photography. Still looking for a 'niche.' Perhaps I'll seek out a master when I figure out what I want to focus on (pun intended).