What is an Argus C3 worth?

dave lackey

Local time
8:16 AM
Feb 20, 2007
A couple of weeks ago, I was wandering around in a local antiques store and saw a 1954 C3 in a case...excellent condition. They had a tag for $45 on it. What is one of these worth and what is there to look out for?:)
I would pass on it. $10, more like it. I bought one that looked new in the box with case and instructions for $30.
2 years ago $5 near mint with case but the plrices are all over the place when it comes to "Antique" shops & Thrifts. I've seen broken ugly ones for $30.
Got mine at an antiques show for $25 in pristine condition with the hard leather ERC and original box because it was the end of the show, and the dealer was offloading stuff so he didn't have to lug it home. So prices are all over the place, but at least try all the functions, and if it is stiff to operate, I'd tell the dealer it needs work, and bargain the price down. You don't want to rip the skin off your finger trying to focus the darn thing.

I've always wanted to try an Argus ... but have held off for fear I might not get my investment back when I sell it!

I paid $10 for mine in 1983; wouldn't be surprised if prices have remained steady. :)
I don't know what mines worth but I did invest $21.50 for it's new skin from Camera Leather...I may never recover my investment in this camera sooooo I'm going to use it...
I've shot one roll so far and I did like the results so another roll or two is in it's future...
A couple of weeks ago, I was wandering around in a local antiques store and saw a 1954 C3 in a case...excellent condition. They had a tag for $45 on it. What is one of these worth and what is there to look out for?:)

Since it is a film camera, I'm of the opinion it is worth $5 if it comes with a roll of film. Otherwise, they should pay you to take it off their hands...

Seriosuly, $5 to $10 at the most, unless it is NOS in the original box.
I agree with Al, none of the 3 I've had cost more then $10.

But you do get a pretty good lens and a near-indestructible camera for that price.
I've always wanted to try an Argus ... but have held off for fear I might not get my investment back when I sell it!

Investment! Old user cameras are not investments. They're playthings. If you find one that doesn't smell bad with a clean lens at a nice price, then get it and shoot with it. You don't have to sell it, you can keep it on the shelf as a decoration, and your pals will come in and say, "Oh! Look, you must be a photographer, because you have a real camera!"
Yeah... I spent $20 on a Matchmatic last week with all the goodies (meter, case, flash and a couple flash bulbs), and I still feel like I got screwed... The marked price was $50. I didn't negotiate the price, I just asked him what he wanted for it. I could have gotten it for $10. Try askign if they'll take $15, then go up from there. If they don't haggle, move on, as they're waiting for a sucker.

Even though I felt ripped off, I spent $19 on some dark green leatherette for it. I did feel a little silly about that, but hey, it's purdy enough for the shelf now.

This is not going to appreciate in value (they made millions... yes, MILLIONS of them, and I'm not exaggerating), and it's probably not the best shooter I own, but still... it was purdy then, and it's purdier now. Oh, and I'll always have a film camera now, even if I get so broke I need to sell everything, as nobody will probably want it :)
I saw 2 C3, 1 C44 and a Pronto in an antique shop with the hard case for 25 each. I took a photo instead :D
Should have bought them, stuffed them in a $10 flat rate box, and offered them up to me... I saw a (photoshopped) pic once of a guy using a ton of C3's to build an new barbecue...
Should have bought them, stuffed them in a $10 flat rate box, and offered them up to me... I saw a (photoshopped) pic once of a guy using a ton of C3's to build an new barbecue...

PayPal me $110.00 and I'll buy them and mail them to you :)