
Look under the Forum button for "Tech Specs". The Zorky-4 is listed as a "Zorki-4".

Jordi, a really good resource on Soviet rangedinders is www.geocities.com/fzorkis (his favorite shooters section may give you a guide on which one to choose). Another great source of info is the Russian camera forum in Beststuff http://www.beststuff.com/forum/index.php?f=25

But beware, there's something they don't tell you when you buy a soviet rangefinder, and that is that you'll soon buying another one, they're really addictive !!! :D

One comment I would make about my Zorki 4. I am a pretty nearsighted glasses wearer, and I find it almost impossible to see the full composition in the viewfinder.

Is it just me?

Jon Flanders
Have you tried the diopter adjustment, it works for me. I am nearsighted.
Kurt M.

same trouble for me as I'm shortsighted and even with the diopric adjuster, it's not enough...

so no other way than focusing with glasses and framing without.
jon_flanders said:
One comment I would make about my Zorki 4. I am a pretty nearsighted glasses wearer, and I find it almost impossible to see the full composition in the viewfinder.

Is it just me?
Same here John. It doesn't bother me too much, but it's not like looking through a nice bright Bessa VF with its brightline frames. The Zorki is funky and fun to use. I just treat framing as 'approximate' ;)

The diopter doesn't help me, and without my glasses I am too nearsighted to see anything well.

So its a case of point and hope. I have obtained several nice shots with the Zorki nonetheless. Now I am waiting on the delivery of a Fed 2. Then I will be done acquiring Russian rangefinders..........

Jon F
Just got my Fed 2 in the mail today. It has the Industar 2.8 lens.

It is smaller than the Zorki 4, the shutter winds much easier and wonder of wonders, I can pretty much see the composition in the viewfinder. I got it for $14.95 plus $15 shipping. If the first roll turns out OK, it will be a real steal.

Jon Flanders