Best country to buy a new M body?

Bad Example

Local time
1:01 PM
Sep 20, 2022
I noticed the bodies in England seem to be a good deal cheaper than the US. With the current favorable exchange rate, I'm wondering what the duties might be like to import into the US. Anyone have recent experience?
Oh, sorry. But why would you buy new? Presumably the warranty would only be valid in the country in which it was sold? Not sure. Even if you could save a few hundred dollars, I would say it's not worth it. I remember back in the day, foreign photographers and video people used to fly to NYC for a "vacation," buy a ton of new equipment from NYC camera shops to avoid extremely high home country taxes, and then fly back with it telling the home country that it was "personal equipment." Now that was saving money.
It's my understanding that a proper warranty will allow for warranty service in the U.S. That's what Im after. I suppose it not a huge deal though.
If you buy anything from overseas to the US have it shipped by postal service. If you use a private firm, like FedEx or UPS, they will always charge "tariff fees" even when there is no tariff. I have never paid any type of duty when using the postal service. As an example awhile ago I was going to mail used, broken camera stuff to Canada worth about $65. UPS was cheaper right up until I went to pay - then it asked the link came up asking if I was going to pay the ~$20 tariffs or if it should be charged to the receiver.