W/NW : Motorcycles

Another Honda Brand motorcycle... complete with an M4 ( Assault riffle that is by Colt ) Pasadena Police

don't shoot! i stopped before the White lines

Pasadena, Los Angeles County, USA

Img by Taipei-metro

Panasonic G6,
Zuiko 14-42
Vintage Triumph​

Fujifilm X-S20 camera
Fujinon XF35mm f2 lens
November 2023 - Yokohama, Japan​
I know that spot well and have also stopped there on a scoot. The rushes and cattails on the side of the road have Redwing Blackbirds in the spring, decked out in their mating finery. They males are gorgeous. Years ago lunch at Duarte's was a treat and a stop at Phipps Ranch for obscure beans. Then up to Loma Mar for a bottle of Martinelli's and back over the hill to Palo Alto. Great riding country.

Thanks for the reminder. It seems like only yesterday. LOL