Konica LTM 1956 60mm f1.2 LTM Hexanon

Konica M39 lenses
Local time
1:50 PM
Oct 20, 2007
I call your attention to this ad from a 1956 Photography Annual.

It's an ad from Konica.

Once, when younger and more foolish, I had a pristine Koniflex, a superb TLR with a very sharp, but definitely FIXED set of lenses, but I sold it. I've never seen another in the flesh, and certainly not one with Mamiya-style interchangeable lenses such as the one offered below.

But what's more interesting is the fast 60mm LTM lens. Konica offered one just recently. Was it the same design as this 1956 specimen? Or was everything in this ad "phantomware"?

I've never seen a 1956 60mm f1.2 Hexanon LTM lens either "in the wild". Have you?

Gee, I was expecting to see a super fast Konica Hexanon 60mm f1.2 lens in LTM, something to compete with the Canon 50mm f1.2 and the Zunow 50mm f1.1 and the Nikkor 5cm f1.1 of the same era.
Ah, thanks Roland.
the wife called me away from the computer at the wrong time.
that has to be one interesting and rare lens.
Knowing Konica glass,it is probably very good even by todays standard.

should be the diagram of the lens (of the 50's)
Sonnar2 said:

should be the diagram of the lens (of the 50's)

Looks like a Sonnar on steroids!

Actually it is a greatly stretched Sonnar-based design with additional complexities at the front; the back half has to be kept small to fit into the smaller lens throat of the Leica mount.
Was there a lens diagram published by KONICA for the newer lens remake? Bad tongues reports that it's just the same as the 57/1.2 SLR lens in a new mount with a RF cam... ;)