Camera Stores in Singapore?


Local time
4:52 PM
Dec 12, 2007
I understand that camera stores in Tokyo and Hong Kong are great. I was wondering at the camera stores (especially for used film cameras) are in Singapore.

I was going to Hong Kong for a few days from the Philippines but with the chronovirus I do not think it advisable. Am not worried so much about the disease but that passport stamp may have implications for returning to the US in mid March or the airlines may cancel flights making travel more complicated.
In my experience, the camera stores in Singapore were great some 30 years ago. Not so today: limited supply and high prices. The vendors are not inclined to bargain, even though they may give you a marginal discount on a cash deal. Good plan not to travel to Hong Kong. Singapore is the first country in the region to ban travelers who have been in 'mainland' China during the past two weeks from entry and transit. I'm not sure, whether 'mainland' China includes Hong Kong as per the Singapore decision. In case you were thinking of Ho Chi Minh City as an alternative destination, the camera story is not much different: many of the second-hand camera stores have closed their doors and those that remain sell at high prices. Cheers, OtL
Singapore camera prices are higher than Japan for sure and Japan is on par with the US in terms of camera prices. Neither are great destinations to find a deal unless you plan to spend considerable time hunting for one. Both are good destinations if you just want to look at cameras, though I'll say Japan definitely is the better option. You could take all of the used camera stores in this one mall I'm forgetting the name of in Singapore and cram them into one of the many massive used shops in Japan. I had a local photographer take me around to the local shops in Singapore and most are a single small rooms of <250sqft. I'd say every camera I saw was 40% more than what'd you see in Japan or the US (XA for $250, Mamiya 6 + 75mm for $2000, etc)

Singapore is a great place to visit though, regardless of camera shops :)
I visited the camera shops in Singapore some years ago, just before the film resurgence started.
At that time the choices and variety were excellent, better than in lots of European cities.
Prices were reasonable, comparable to Europe at that time.

Now after about five years of increasing (and accelerated increase) demand for film and film cameras the situation may have changed there.
Especially as in several Asian countries there are now even big youtube channels which are permanently promoting film photography. One of these channels has already more than 1 million (!) subscribers.
And on these channels of course all the well reputed, 'famous' or at least popular film cameras are presented. That has of course significantly increased the demand for these cameras and their prices.
The time for bargains for all these popular cameras is over.

But fortunately still excellent bargains are there on the market: You just have to look at all these excellent cameras, which are currently not so trendy or fashionable.
Some Examples:
- Nikon F100, F4, F5, F80, F90X, F801s, F75, F301, FA, F501, FM.
- Canon EOS 1 / 1N / 1V; EOS 50E, EOS 5, EOS 3, EOS 30 / 33, EOS 30V / 33V, EOS 300X
- Minolta Dynax 600si, 700si, 800si, Dynax 7 and 9
- almost all Pentax SLRs with the exception of the overpriced K1000
- Mamiya 645
- Rolleiflex 6000 series
Fluffy...when did visit Singapore camera stores. Thanks,. OtL

I was there, in the shops and looked at all the offerings.
I have seen several very rare cameras which I have never seen in a camera shop in Europe, e.g. two Exakta 66 (the modernised Pentacon 6) with lenses.
When were you there.

Also visited Ruby Photo, at that time the major film photography shop in Singapore. They had the full programme of Ilford films, photopapers, chemistry (they were official Ilford distributor for SG at that time), also about all Kodak, Fuji and some AgfaPhoto films.
I had not enough colour reversal film with me for my journey (I have shot dozens of rolls there, but there were so much nice places that I had to buy more film :)). I stocked up AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100 at Ruby Photo. Very nice and friendly people there, had nice talks with them.
I also visited the Lomography Gallery Store at that time and talked to the manager of that shop. A nice young woman (Merely Wang, if I remember her name correctly. This shop has closed some time ago when the Lomo trend slowed down; the young film shooters today are more interested in reliable and good quality, therefore Lomography is not so attractive anymore for them).
I was in Singapore in 2017, 2018, and in 2019 and my experiences in the local second-hand camera shops don't match yours. Not to say you had a good time there. Cheers, OtL
Sadly, the bargain days for cameras in Asia have ended - Japan probably has the best available, but prices are high.

As an fairly regular (2-3 times a year) visitor to Singapore, usually with a free day on my hands, I've toured all the camera shops, looking for bits and pieces to add to my motley collection (Rolleis, Contax, Zeiss, Voigtlander). WIthout much luck.

About a year ago I wanted a Nikon 180/2.8 ED. Singapore prices were horrific - nobody would reduce their prices even for a cash sale, and I found the attitudes and service ethic of shop staff to be low. The best price I could get was A$200 MORE than this lens was retailing for in Australia - and for a cash sale.

With the Aussie dollar on a par with the Mexican peso these days, shopping for photo gear anywhere out of the country can be a dismal experience.

For older gear, visit Camera Hospital, a small shop at 91 Bencoolen Street (in the Sunshine Plaza) - their display windows have more old cameras than I've seen in decades. Not sure about the quality, but they are certainly there.

The owner, Steven, is good to chat (for a reasonable time) if he has the time and isn't too busy - if he is involved in something, he will tell you. He appears to know every item he has in stock, and can quickly find even small bits. If you need a fast repair, this is also a good place with quick turnover time. But don't try to bargain too much...
Well, can't go to Hong Kong due to the coronavirus. Don't really see anything in Singapore I can"t live without. I was there years ago and don't need to go back. Thanks for the suggestions.
Hong Kong is no longer a good destination for used camera gear. Chances of getting ripped off is high unless you have a local friend who is gear savvy and knows the dealers well personally. Further if you want cheap gear you will need to settle for crap. Anything in decent shape will be priced high. Don’t even consider buying used Leica here and expect a bargain.
not exactly what op was asking, but in "neighborhood", Mega Plaza in Bangkok is ageing shopping mall. floor 5 (I think) has several used camera dealers, lot of film camera equipment, lenses, common films etc. mostly Japanese made, but saw few Leica's there today also. young film hipster Thais have discovered the place too, many were outing their gear and looking the shelves with keen eye :)
In conclusion, the only interesting market for second-hand gear in SE Asia today is Japan. At least in terms of supply...not so sure about prices. Cheers, OtL
Thanks for all the suggestions. I will not be going to Singapore nor any place else in Asia searching for film cameras. I am almost convinced to sell my film cameras and stick with digital.

I have been in the Philippines since early November with a GoPro, FujiX100F and Leica M2. I have used the X100F and the GoPro(scuba diving) but have had to force myself to take the M2 out of the hotel room and have barely put a roll of film through it. I have an MP240 back in Texas and it with the GoPro and X100F will cover my photography needs for the near future.
I think the main problem here is not that there is no good supply anymore.
Friends of mine travel a lot through Asia and they said there is enough quality gear available.
The main problem is that lots of - especially older - photographers have unrealistic expectations concerning the price level:
They expected prices to stay on this ridiculously low price level of some years ago.
But of course that market situation was an exception. Now with the increasing interest in film the demand for used film cameras is increasing, too.
And the cameras get the prices back that reflect the excellent value these cameras indeed have. The cameras deserve this higher value.
The times you have got excellent gear at "throw-away" prices are over. And that is good for film photography in general.

Cheers, Jan
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I've lived in this region for many years. One of the main reasons for the implosion of camera prices -including second-hand camera prices, at least in Singapore, is the exchange rate. The other, more important factor, is the near death of 35mm photography. During the past 20 years, or so camera dealers sold off their 35mm equipment and closed their shop. The few ones remaining are now charging high prices to stay afloat. Not only in Singapore...I've seen the same thing happening in Ho Chi Minh City.
I believe all my friends who have been there. Because I know I can trust them, I know them for years. They have never disappointed me. They have shown me pictures of the shops, their offers, their prices.
And there are dozens of current reports on youtube / vimeo and so on where photographers visit camera stores in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Seoul, Taipeh, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou.....
Both the reports of my friends and these reports on youtube indicate a different situation.

Cheers, Jan