Canon LTM canon 35mm f2 ltm compare summicron....?

Canon M39 M39 screw mount bodies/lenses
I have both the f1.8 and f2 versions of the Canon LTM. A clean copy of either can be very nice. In my experience they are both a little soft in the corners at larger apertures but they sharpen up nicely corner to corner and have decent contrast when stopped down a bit. Also, I haven't noticed as big a difference between the two versions as others have reported. It might be sample to sample variation or just a little haze or other effects of aging.

I've also got the Leica Summicron 35mm. If shown the two pics below without knowing which lens was used, I doubt I could tell, particularly on the top b&w one. The lower color photo is not quite as sharp but I think I wasn't stopped down quite as much and was focused short of infinity to bring nearer objects more into focus. So objects in the distance are not quite as etched.

Hand held Leica M240. 35mm F1.8 at about f5.6 or f8. Pretty sharp across the frame.
M2404473 by Brusby, on Flickr

Color. Leica M240. 35mm F1.8 at about f5.6 or f8
M2404458 by Brusby, on Flickr
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The first photo is probably the harshest test for any lens’ bokeh, but I see what you mean. It may also be the impact of use on an APS-C size sensor.

In any case, lovely colours in these photos.
Yesterday was kind of an autumnal dreamscape here in Wisconsin. It was cool in the shade, but weirdly hot in the sun. I slacked off my work (nice to be self-employed) and just wandered a local park for a couple of hours soaking it in. I'm glad I did too, today's drizzly and cool.

Stress testing the lens was kind of fun, but it performed well in most of the pictures I took.


I'm looking forward to seeing the film shots I took with it as well, but I haven't developed those yet.