New Mexico Checking in


Camera hacker
Local time
8:02 AM
Jun 14, 2004
How y'all doing?
New Mexico is still here. It's still New Mexico. It seems to have gotten a lot more bureaucratic in the last few years though which is making life a little more difficult.
Lots has happened but the biggest deal is that my D3 died. Now I'm faced with the question of "do I take this as a motivator to get my real photography business off the ground and quit journalism or do I spend $600+ to get the D3 fixed to continue with the little paper I work at?"
Right now I'm borrowing Bethanne's Canon 30D with a 28-135 zoom. I've been spoiled these last few years using top shelf Nikon AiS lenses and digital cameras with virtually no shutter lag (D2Hs, D2X, D3.)
Anyway, we're not missing the east coast humidity! It's in the low 80s here with almost no perceptible humidity and it's fantastic. Even when it got close to 100 degrees a couple weeks ago, it wasn't bad.
We're still looking for a place to live out here and that is going to largely depend on where we're working. That question of where we're working ties directly in to the question of the D3 repair. It is my eventual goal to completely divest myself of conventional digital capture and use only film, except for things like IR and UV photography, for which digital is indespensible.
We do miss a few things:
Good pizza
Good bagels
Burgers at Molly's pub in Gramercy
The ability to walk or take a train ride wherever you need to go in the city
Fresh Guinness
Friends and relatives
The oddities of city living encountered day to day

Anyway, I thought I'd say hello.
Be well!

Phil Forrest
Nice to hear from you phil, sorry to know about your D3. I'm not in position to suggest you anything but I feel sure you'll make the right choice.

Post a few pics when you have time! And drop a few lines! Ciao

Welcome back West, Phil. I looked under the rug, but no D3 there. Hm.

Sounds like a fine new life adventure. Working for a little newspaper, documenting community life, having a family place, having Southwestern light and land/culturescape--you can always get a bagel on a trip.