Contax IIa/IIIa CLA recommendations


Local time
1:24 AM
Oct 30, 2003
I have purchased a Contax IIIa which while it is in usable condition, could really use a CLA.

Now, I understand that Harry Sherer is considered the cream of the crop in terms of Contax technicians, but his waiting list is measured in years and that's a little longer than I would like to wait. (I may put this camera on the waiting list and have it CLA'd elsewhere in the interim - who knows.)

Does anyone have any experience having older Contax repaired/serviced in the US? Someone mentioned to me that CameraQuest or Essex may do it - other recommendations?
Essex charges around $170 for the IIIa and very short turn around time, measured in weeks not years. I have used them for a couple of Canon P CLA's and am well pleased. I actually have a Contax IIIa that I am going to send to them this week.

I thought there was a guy out there that only CLAs Contax rangefinders, including replacement of the light meter for the IIIa. I once had the link, but lost it. Sounds like he's expensive, but people recommend him.

Anybody know?
gabrielma said:
I thought there was a guy out there that only CLAs Contax rangefinders, including replacement of the light meter for the IIIa. I once had the link, but lost it. Sounds like he's expensive, but people recommend him.

Anybody know?

It sounds as if you're thinking of Henry Scherer - he only works on Contax rangefinders and Contarex. And he replaces selenium light cells.

Another option is WW Umbach. You should be able to Google his address and phone number. He did nice work for me on a Contaflex.
So far, so good

So far, so good

I was intrigued by Rich's reference to Camera Care in his linked thread
Camera Care has Buy-It-Now eBay auctions for rebuild service on the selected cameras he knows well. Interesting marketing approach. The Contax IIa/IIIa service BIN is only $119.95 so I "bit". Here's a link to the eBay listing:

So I sent him the IIIa that I bought from RFF member Stu W, which had a stiff focusing helix and was not exposing at 1/1250 shutter speed. There was no clear mention of lens service in Camera Care's offer, but I sent the 1.5/50mm Sonnar along too though it seemed ok.

I can recommend Steve on the basis of good communications so far! He noted the "Zeiss bumps" and asked if I wanted them removed, no charge. He found it needed work on the shutter and the focusing, but was basically sound and could be made to work as new. But the meter cell is dead, and he offered to replace it for an additional $45. He has them made on order as needed, so they're fresh. He noted that the lens was fine except for lack of lube between lens body and diaphragm ring, and offered to completely clean and lube the lens for an additional $25.

So we're up to $189.95 now but it's still sounding very economical. Except for the meter cell, he would have had the job done and shipped back in less than a week, he said, but having the cell made up will add a week to the schedule.

I'm looking forward to trying out my "new" Contax IIIa! :)
Doug, let us know how it turns out.. I'm currently at number 21 on Henry's list (after a year wait) and I know it'll be 6 more months before the work is done.. if Steve can do comparable work, he might very well get my business.. especially since Henry will charge nearly 3X as much

EDIT: a quick check on Henry's site shows that his rate is actually $235.. not 3 times what Steve quotes
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Wolf Umbach of Z-V Camera Service (252-249-2576, wolwalu57(at) Mr. Umbach was an official Zeiss Ikon-Voigtlander repairman back in the day.
These are good options. We have discussed Contax Service folks other than Henry but having names, addresses, with links. This may be the best so far. I am going to sticky this thread for reference.
Doug, do let us know what your thoughts are om camera-care's work once you get it back. I'd love for there to be a 'Henry' ou there - but without his backlog.
I will followup later after it comes back and I run a roll through it. Steve apparently has the experience and the expertise, but I expect being able to say "CLA by Scherer" would have an effect on resale value. But I didn't want to suffer that backlog!
Even Henry was once a Steve :)
I got my fingers crossed that it comes back working and looking great - as if it does..I may well send off my Contax IIIa to Steve.
Richard, where else have you had your stuff CLA'd? Have you sent your VT out yet? The slow speeds need work on mine.
I'd posted a query about Steve Sirota to rff before to see if anyone had any luck with him before I sent my contessa for repair, no one from the list replied but I sent it anyway. He seems like a reasonable guy and said he repaired it, shot a roll and depending on results would ship it after the 4th of July. He later said he was out of town for a bit and shipped it on the 10th. Now it's over three weeks later and my camera has yet to arrive. I sent an e-mail to Steve a few days ago asking if he has any tracing number for the package and so far no reply. It's still a little early to panic, but I was wondering if anyone else has heard from him lately?
:confused: Steamer
Odd that I couldn't sell my Sherer-restored Contax IIIa here. I sold it on EBay to a guy in France. Maybe part of the Scherer allure is the wait.
I have pulled apart a few cameras, they don't work any would think I would learn from the first repair disaster, or maybe the second, but no ! once bitten twice bitten thrice bitten, I hope I don't try it again....
rover said:
Richard, where else have you had your stuff CLA'd? Have you sent your VT out yet? The slow speeds need work on mine.

Funny you should mention it - no I haven't fixed the VT yet..but I really should. I was actually going to check to see what feedback camera-care receives and see if he does Canons...