Design your M10 now


Local time
3:07 AM
Jul 15, 2008
After the inevitable let down and feelings of betrayal after the release of the pending M9, surely it is time to right wrongs and tell Leica what they need to fix with the M10.

It is never to early to speculate. :D
Leica knows how to design cameras and fail to see how any contributions by the masses would be of any use.

We will get it when with get and with the features that made the cut..
Didn't you know? My dealer whispered not to pre order the M9 because the 10 would blow it out of the water. Start saving now.
If it ever happens, it will be a blend of M9 and E-P1
Will it blend? That's the question!
I can't wait to see how the formula is being tried out by a mad scientist and a blender.
My calendar says 8/01, not 4/01...

Shouldn't we wait to see what Leica gets wrong or right with the M9 before we complain about it? I have a lot of time on my hands, but probably not as much as you.

(Thanks for the chuckle though).