Early model 90mm Tele-Elmarit advice needed..


Local time
1:39 PM
Jan 15, 2021
I'm looking for advice. Way back in 1974 I bought an M4 along with two lenses. The first was a 35mm Summicron (v3), and the next was a 90mm Tele-Elmarit f2.8 (skinny). The 35mm Summicron has provided great service ever since. However, the TE90 not so much. A lighter than normal area would often appear near the center of many pictures. Not all pictures, but it would occur often enough that it became noticeable. In August of 2020, I sent the TE90 off to Wetzlar to have it CLA'd. It came back, and all appeared fine - but only for about 6 months. After that, that light patch appeared again.

After a bit of internet 'googling', it would appear than I have an early model TE90 that's quite prone to haze on one of the 4 elements that's causing this lighter on the pictures. In the meantime, I've bought a Voigtlander 90mm APO Skopar as a replacement. It's great and I love it. However, what do I do with my TE90? It's in great shape, but who would buy it? How do I price it?
