Fed 4

Ah, the old Fed 4, big lumpy bricks with the annoying rewind thumbwheel thingy. The two I had many years ago also had rangefinder spots that were so bright I couldn't see the real image behind them.

I'm presuming you'll get decent shots from yours and will post some?
I was given, for nothing(!) a 1974 FED 4B camera with an Industar N-61 f2.8 52mm lens and I like it. Yes, you could weaponise it if necessary, and aerodynamic it isn't, but I get what I think are decent shots from it. Mine, being the 4B, has the selenium meter on top. The only thing that's a bit of a pain is rewinding the film with that thumbwheel.

Here are a couple of photos of my old home-town. Shot on Kentmere Pan 100 and developed in Rodinal 1+50.

Hello Sean and Russell, link below of the first shots from the FED 4. It was a quick walk to shoot a roll and then into the kitchen to develop. I think they came out pretty good and I am happy with the camera. True it is a big, weighing in at around 750g. My Kodak Retina IIIc weighs in at 660g so not too much heavier but the Kodak is much smaller. Also, the metre is off and I did not use it. Used a phone app light metre.

Your photos look fine to me. Your FED4 looks ‘more Soviet’ than mine!

Have fun with your camera. I love using mine. The bloke who gave me it was at Tech College with me back in the ‘70s and he’s had it since new: a UK import back in the day.

FED 4 HP5+ 400 Ilfosol 3

