Fuji X100F Pricing


Local time
9:34 AM
Jan 9, 2007
I recently bought a used x100s and love the camera. I am considering moving up to a X100F version. The current price is $1099 from a high of $1299 recently. Is it likely a temporary price reduction and unlikely to go lower with the V release or would a even further drop be likely in the future?

I'm indecisive on waiting or pulling the trigger now. After all the reading I've done, I'm not even sure the F would be that much of an improvement over what I have.

Any response is appreciated.
Thank You!
If the X100F went back to it's $1299 price, it would be a tough sell against the X100V at $1399, I would think.
I would love to see the X100F at $900 but probably not realistic again.
I recently bought a used x100s and love the camera. I am considering moving up to a X100F version. The current price is $1099 from a high of $1299 recently. Is it likely a temporary price reduction and unlikely to go lower with the V release or would a even further drop be likely in the future?

I'm indecisive on waiting or pulling the trigger now. After all the reading I've done, I'm not even sure the F would be that much of an improvement over what I have.

Any response is appreciated.
Thank You!

I think the V would be more of an improvement going from the S, than if you got an F. From what I've seen the lens in the V is where the biggest jump is. Button placements would be about the same on the F, but some have been eliminated or moved on the V to increase the real estate for where the thumb rests.

I think the V would be more of an improvement going from the S, than if you got an F. From what I've seen the lens in the V is where the biggest jump is. Button placements would be about the same on the F, but some have been eliminated or moved on the V to increase the real estate for where the thumb rests.

I saw the X100V yesterday in a Yokohama camera shop. The silver finish and knurling on the knobs looked amazing (I really mean amazing!). I declined the offer to hold it and check it out for fear that if I had it in my hand I’d pull out my credit card and buy it on the spot. Maybe later but not right now.

All the best,
Since I don't want a folding screen or touch screen, I think I will stay with the X100F. It has been my travel camera of choice for the last five months in Asia even though it was purchased last spring as a backup for my Leica MP240.

Am sure the X100V is a fine camera but I really like the F.