Isolette III rangefinder has me f-f-frustrated!

I designed and 3d printed some wrenches to dissassemble the lenses, if you have access to a 3Dprinter I can send you the STL files
Plastic is soft and doesnt marr or damage bronze
Hi titrisol,
Wow! That's what I call dedication. Oddly enough, 3D hasn't taken off here as I would have expected, considering the endless possible applications. And I don't personally have access to a 3D printer. Happily, the overnight soak in naptha worked like a charm and freed up the front focussing element with ease. Phew! Thanks for your suggestion anyway.
Regards, zhuologist.
I damaged a few lenses, and found a solution that worked for me.
I have sent these to some people over the years and they seem to like them as well.

Glad the overnight soak worked .... I had to keep one of those for several days in PbBlaster, then heat with hair dryer, try-fail, back to PbBlaster.. before it budged