issue with my "new" M2


Local time
10:02 PM
Feb 23, 2010
I recently got a M2 and I made it repaint in black.
Yesterday I finished the first roll with this camera and had a very bad surprise: rotating the rewind button doesn't make the film rewind.
I managed to extract the film in darkroom and I realized that the fork under the rewind button doesn't rotate if I rotate the button.
Well, it rotates, but only if there is no resistance applied.
I can stop it to rotate just by touching it with the finger.
Do you think it's an easy-to-fix problem? can I do it by myself?
I remember there being a gear in mine that stripped, repaired by Essex Camera ~15 years ago. The part was available from Leica. If it is this problem- you need to get or make the broken part.
Lovely looking camera. Where are you based and who did the repaint?

I’ve got an M4 that I keep thinking about painting, even though there is no real reason as it’s perfectly fine in chrome…

In the UK, Cameraworks UK seem to have a good reputation for Leica repair and paint.

I'm from Italy.
I sent it to a german guy on ebay.
I think he did a good job (although I can't do comparisons...)
If I’m not mistaken there is a little metal claw in the rewind knob mechanism that ensures proper rotation of the film spool. See part #24 on the graphic. If this part was lost or damaged during the repaint process (which requires disassembly of the mechanism) it would explain the issue.

If I’m not mistaken there is a little metal claw in the rewind knob mechanism that ensures proper rotation of the film spool. See part #24 on the graphic. If this part was lost or damaged during the repaint process (which requires disassembly of the mechanism) it would explain the issue.

View attachment 4834778
I think you're right.
but I haven't tried the camera before sending it to repaint, I can't point the finger to the painter
the guy told me that the 24 part wasn't in the camera before, but he has some of them and he will send one to me.
now I mist figure out how to mount it, I don't think I'm skilled enough and either I don't have the right gear
Since he knows the part- is the person that painted the camera willing to install it for you?

I would have advised the camera's owner of the missing part.

When I was working on Jupiter-3 lenses, I've been sent some that were missing internal parts before. One was from Fedka, shipped to Australia- did not work properly. The forum member asked me to look at it, sent to the US. It was missing one of two Guide pins. I installed it- he paid for shipping back to Australia. A case of around the world twice for one screw. And- the reason the guide pin was missing: the slot for it was improperly machined, needed to be widened for the pin not to jam. Whoever made the lens: too lazy to correct the real problem. Glass was perfect, lens could not be focused.
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yes, that's definitely the fork in the rewind.

I always run a roll of film through the camera after painting is complete! Your painter didn't do this unfortunately...

It's easy to do if you know how and have the proper tools...good luck! Or better yet, he should fix it for you.