Jupiter-9 pics on film only

Kiev 2A, J9, Svema KN1 (made 1972), D76


excellent excavator driver)))

Zorki 3, J9, Svema KN1 from 1972, D76


conversation in the city

Zorki 3, J9, Svema KN1 from 1972, D76



Kiev 2A, J-9 @ f/6.5, 1/50, 5222XX in D96 1+2, minimal agitation, EI 600. My dog's coat is so dark that to shoot her in natural, but not harsh light, I really have to shoot at the slowest possible shutter, push the film a stop, and develop to extract as much as possible out of the shadows. And this Jupiter-9 is such a challenging lens. It seems to loose all contrast at the drop of a hat, and I get way more duds with it than just about any other lens I own. But when it does well, it shines.
> It seems to loose all contrast at the drop of a hat, and I get way more duds with it than just about any other lens I own. But when it does well, it shines.
Just a suggestion: check the Black Paint used on internal glass elements that it has not flaked off. This happened to my 8.5cm F2 Sonnar. I used a Sharpie to blacken the exposed surfaces, solved the problem. I also use a very deep shade on it and the J-9.

But not this one-

On the Canon 7.
And this Jupiter-9 is such a challenging lens. It seems to loose all contrast at the drop of a hat, and I get way more duds with it than just about any other lens I own. But when it does well, it shines.

This definitely isn't my experience with the Jupiter 9, so you must have got a bit of a duffer:

Contax II-Roll7-APX100 (15).jpg

It's a lovely little lens. Hefty, yet surprisingly balanced. I don't have exposure notes for this one, but that was shot with a Contax II and APX100, so I'm guessing it was fairly close to wide open.

I should use this lens more; my Contax mount J9 is immaculate, while my LTM one is thrashed within an inch of its life and probably deserves to go in the bin. Sadly, I can't get the Contax mount one to mount on an Amedeo adapter, and I don't know why. Something just isn't fitting together properly.