Just got the C-Biogon 35mm f2.8

Jonmanjiro's ZI + 35 2.8, Ektar converted in LR



Thank you, Helen. Auto graveyards, unlike human cemeteries, keep the bodies on display. It's a different sort of pathos--especially with autos from the era when my parents were young and had their own eros of cars. Now they're out here in a field in Oregon with yellowjackets and Queen Anne's Lace and train horns....
I'm considering buying this lens. I've seen this lens with a tab on youtube. Is it possible to attach a focus tab to the ring or are there different versions?
Weird... In the video his lens says C-Biogon on the front, the aperture setting ends at 2.8, he calls it a Biogon, plays with the focus tab... But I've never before seen or heard of a 35 C-Biogon with such a tab. Always the typical Zeiss bump. Maybe a prototype?