Benelux Living History Festival, NL, 24-25 Sept 2011


In Tabulas Argenteas Refero
Local time
10:35 AM
Jul 31, 2007
Living History Festival 2011,

All Dutch living history groups who are members of the National Platform for Living History (LPLG) will be participating in this festival held at the Kasteelse Bossen in Tienray near Horst-aan-de-Maas (NL) on the 24th and 25th of September.

Groups will be showing their historic activities and skills, clothing and equipment stretching back from the Roman period to the Cold War.

There will be demonstrations of craftsman plying their trades, combat drills and exerciese. Re-enactments of historic battles will also be held.

In other words, a great day out for kids and photographers alike ;)

More information (in Dutch) and photos from previous years can be found at:

Most likely you'll find me cowering in a WW1 trench. Come say hi and I might let you try some of our hardtack, Corn Willy or SOS ;)
The official event poster

Dear Rick,
I am sure it will be an interesting weekend.
Every year I attend to the re-enactment of the battle of Magenta (held on June 4 1859): last June more than 400 reenactors "fought" there, I think you may enjoy it.
These are great opportunities for taking lots of pictures.
Enjoy it!
I'm sure I will Mauro. Alas I'm out of 120 film so I can't snap authentic pictures with my WW1 period Kodak No.2 box camera.

I've never done or photographed 19th Century re-enactment battles myself. Friends of mine participate at the Battle of Waterloo every year. I'm told it's a marvelous spectacle to behold.