Benelux LPLG-Weekend 2009 - Beers (NL)


In Tabulas Argenteas Refero
Local time
12:19 AM
Jul 31, 2007
The National Platform for Living History is holding it's annual weekend near Beers in The Netherlands this weekend (26-27 September 2009).

Dutch Info

Your chance to see and shoot historical lifestyles and military forces throughout the ages, from Vikings, Cowboys, soldiers from the Napoleontic wars, militias and knights from medieval times and from the 80-year war, Soldiers of the American Civil War, Boers and British soldiers from the Boerwar, US, British and German soldiers from WW1 and WW2, upto US Soldiers from Vietnam and East German soldiers from the 1960s.

I myself will be there dressed as a WW1 US Army Doughboys, and hopefully shooting some interesting pictures too.

'Tot ziens in Beers'