M3 Cla


Local time
3:39 PM
Mar 1, 2007
My M3 is showing it's age like me! Any recommendations for CLA? Three places seem to be in the forefront; Leica Solms, Leica New Jersey and DAG. Anyone had recent experience good or bad?
For quality work and quick turnaround I would go with DAG.
Thanks, I've heard some good things about DAG. I understand it can still take up to 4-5 weeks. I'll probably go through M3 withdrawl, we haven't been apart that long before.
I have used Youxin Ye for my M2 CLA, one week turn-a-round time and very reasonable in pricing.

I have used Golden Touch (Sherry Krauter) for lens overhauls. Pretty good turn-a-round time for her also.

DAG is very popular here, but I have not used him for anything, yet.

I have used DAG. He is a person you can trust with difficult cases that others turn down. With the Zeiss Jena 5cm/2 LTM lens, he did two rounds of adjusting/cleaning for the same cost.Another well-known and expensive repairshop told me on the phone that the lens was not worth the expensive repair. I can endorse him with full confidence. The other case was a Canon 50mm/1.2lens that my local repairman could not fix after trying three times. Everything was out of focus. Don told me that an internal element had shifted, and since his repair of the Canon lens it has become one of my favorite lenses.

He was very easy to work with. I was overseas for 6 weeks while he repaired the Canon,and we stayed in touch via email. He kept the lens until I was a about to return home, and he timed the return of the lens with my return so that I would be home to receive the lens. It was his suggestion.

I'm a bit surprised nobody has mentioned Photography on Bald Mountain..

I recently picked up a 50mm f/0.95 Canon lens and sent it to Ken Ruth for conversion to M-mount. He was quick to answer my questions and within a couple of days after receiving my package he sent me the a detailed invoice.
Might not hurt to call around and ask about turnaround times, as I'm sure it varies for each of these people. Sherry Krauter and Don Goldberg are both very forthright, honest and accomodating, and could tell you how bad their backlog is. (I haven't dealt with Youxin Ye but I imagine he'd let you know as well.)
I've picked up 2 M3's in the last couple of days. One I was able to fix by removing a large piece of film stuck in the shutter mechanism but the other needs shutter replacement. The opening curtain has separated from the metal lathe and the camera needs a complete CLA.

I contacted DAG and will be shipping the camera to him in the morning.