Man oh Man, I tried out a Fuji X100V


South Florida Man
Local time
6:46 PM
Mar 27, 2006
Pretty impressive. Trying it out again on Sunday. A photo buddy of mine just bought it. Any impressions of this rig?:rolleyes:
Just more maturation for an already great camera series... what’s not to like? Waiting on mine here in Chile. The first batch hasn’t made it to the country yet.
I really like it but picked the Xpro3 as I like to change lenses. My main lens on that is the 27mm 2.8 pancake (42mm equivalent) which keeps it tiny.
For a fixed lens camera, the X100V is superb. The jpegs are so good out of them that is all I use.
Unlike Huss, Who has his hands in every brand, I mostly use Fuji... so I ordered both the X100v and X-Pro3. Still waiting for both... for months. It’s not like the US here when buying equipment.
Unlike Huss, Who has his hands in every brand, I mostly use Fuji... so I ordered both the X100v and X-Pro3. Still waiting for both... for months. It’s not like the US here when buying equipment.
Looks like you can't go wrong, either way.
I have no doubt the current models are quite good but based on reviews/descriptions will be sticking with the X100S and X Pro2.
No significant complaints about either.
I wrote about it in some other thread before.
It feels more solid than previous version. IMO.
The only big thing for me which turned me off from it is too small letters in VF.
With enlarged mode, the focusing scale is excluded. For those who only needs this camera for AF it is not big deal, I still want to have it with functional and well visible focus scale in VF.
Unlike Huss, Who has his hands in every brand, I mostly use Fuji... so I ordered both the X100v and X-Pro3. Still waiting for both... for months. It’s not like the US here when buying equipment.

I don't have anything from Canon or Sony.

wait I had a Canon P but did not like it.
I wrote about it in some other thread before.
It feels more solid than previous version. IMO.
The only big thing for me which turned me off from it is too small letters in VF.
With enlarged mode, the focusing scale is excluded. For those who only needs this camera for AF it is not big deal, I still want to have it with functional and well visible focus scale in VF.

Slowly warming up to Fuji noFilm!? ;)
Slowly warming up to Fuji noFilm!? ;)

I checked many FujiNoFilm cameras over years. Talked with owners, advanced users. Including all three x-Pro and previous X100 versions. They had no appeal to me as X100V did. But still, no cigar.

BTW, I went film to digital for real from EOS 300 to FujiNoFilm advanced P&S camera with Av, Tv, P and M modes in 2007.
Used it a lot until end of 2009 and switched to EOS 500D. After this FujiNoFilm camera was in hands, use of my wife for almost another decade. It still works.
It still works with your wife? YOu should start a tour of seminars. Could be lucrative.

sorry, apologize beforehand. But could not resist.
Here is thread at P.O.T.N. called "Post your best wife shots".
I'm hesitant for years to type, "I got only one wife".
Hint for those on unknown locations, I came from county based in Eurasia.
Pretty impressive. Trying it out again on Sunday. A photo buddy of mine just bought it. Any impressions of this rig?:rolleyes:

I have had mine for a couple months. My impression is that, if you don’t find this camera a big ole bundle of fun, get a hammmer and chisel, a chunk of marble, and take up sculpture.
I almost bought an X100F last year until I found out they sold me a demo camera instead of brand new. In the short time I had it though I liked it, but went a different direction after it was returned. I'm intrigued with the improvements they made to the X100V, and now have Fuji back on my shortlist. A good friend of mine who thinks a lot like me when it comes to cameras just got the X100F and is quite pleased.

Still like my original X100 so struggling to justify any of the upgrades. I don't doubt the V is a great camera.

I agree... though I must admit that I find the 'V' to be the first of the x100 upgrades to catch my attention - at least, in any serious way. [Keep repeating: "Must resist, must resist"........ :eek: ;)]
I agree... though I must admit that I find the 'V' to be the first of the x100 upgrades to catch my attention - at least, in any serious way. [Keep repeating: "Must resist, must resist"........ :eek: ;)]

I upgraded from the X100F. And yes, many things have been improved. But at the same day, it's still fundamentally is what it is. I enjoy the upgrades, but is it really worth the cash (net of my selling my X100F?) Of course not.

I really like the upgrades, but I didn't need them. And I'm positive they weren't worth the cash I paid.

But I can't say I entirely regret it either. It was just a bit of a waste of money that brought me the pleasure of having something nice that I didn't need.

I think that's pretty true of most luxuries in life.
Practicality is boring sometimes... it’s good to be practical generally speaking, but if you are always... it’s boring. Enjoy the camera! The flip side is there is nothing wrong with liking what you already have. That’s a great feeling.
I owned the original 100 until my son took it, and still enjoys it. I went and had a look at the new V..great rig, but not worth the $2K AUD. Instead, i went and spent my coin of some decent fishing rods :)