New York March NYC Meet-Up


Gear Whore #1
Local time
1:18 AM
Nov 11, 2008
Pick a Sunday in March.

Let's have Sharlene's on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn as our usual haunt. Time will be at 1:00 PM.

I have a non Leica "M3" to give away to be recycled. Comes with a never-ready case and is mucho clean.

I have a body cap for Fidel.

As a display of anti-social behavior Devil Christian and I found out it takes precisely 5 seconds for a full rotation of a JOBO Expert Tank on a Beseller "Uniroller."

My suspicions were correct: pretty much mucho aggitation.

Christian gifted me a nose piece for my Linhof/handy homebrew. This fixed focus 4x5 that will exploit "kill-zone" technology is coming along. Eventually he will get laser cut a bunch of lens boards, and in that batch he will create one for this rig.

He also helped me straighten out the computer logjam I created by deciding to use Lightroom 5 on CD onto an IMAC that I secured from "Maggie."

We also delved into Masks for Linhof "Zebra" zoom veiwfinders. We determined that basically the 2x3 and the 4x5 VF'ers are the same, just with different stickers for focal length for the different formats and of course different masks.

I had modded a 4x5 mask to create a big 6x9 window that I use on a 4x5 Zebra VF'er set at 75mm although I use it on a baby Linhof with a 53/4.5 Zeiss Biogon. Don't tell anyone, but I'm a mighty clever devil also.

Together we determined though that for a 21mm FOV the corners get squeezed a bit. Usable, but not the best.

So I have decided to compartmentalize some old retro computers to extend their lives. My Macbook Pro I bought new and loaded it up with SSD memory maxing it out. By today's standards is is not so fast and the amount of memory is not so vast. This computer is about 8 years old and pretty much all I use it for is to run Lightroom 5 that came with the purchase of my M-Monochrom. BTW I still own my MM, and it is still a great camera.

I have a MacBook Air that is from around 2012 that I got from Maggie. She clogged the memory and basically didn't delete anything, so pretty much I did a major cleanup. Not as fast as my Macbook Pro, but smaller and lighter. It has "Word" installed as well as LR5. So now I have a dedicated computer for blogging to annoy people.

The IMAC was an impulse buy for Maggie. Pretty much I gave her $500.00 for the new IMAC that pretty much went unused. Of course because I'm mucho relaxed and a major lazy slacker it sat around for another year or two unused in my studio. Kinda looked cool next to my 27 inch EIZO.

Well anyways this IMAC is my "new" computer basically because it is the newest.

So already "Maggie" thinks I'm retarded for embracing these old retro computers. She thinks I'm dumb, especially since I want to keep using Lightroom 5 and I don't want to use Adobe CC.

"Moo," said the pig. Why would I want to pay fees? I have a reputation to affirm as a CF. Also retro is my style, but this upsets Maggie. Clearly she is annoyed with me. She does not think I'm being clever at all. LOL.

I argue that I'm not being a wasteful consumer and that I'm "recycling" and preventing all this stuff from going into a landfill, but she makes a point that all this stuff I'm rescuing could be dropped off at an Apple Store to be recycled.

So I have not yet set up a web site or blog and it seems I'm already annoying Maggie. LOL.

Most recently Maggie bought a new IPAD Pro, and know that I have a sixth generation IPAD that was hers, and this sixth generation IPAD is still being sold at the Apple Store. I also have a WiFi IPAD Mini that was hers.

Don't tell my boss (I work alone and kinda have no boss, How-Weird retired) but in my office I kinda am setting up an Apple Museum that is a collection of old Apple products. I have boxed IPhone 4S, 6, and and 8. I have early IPADs pre WiFi, a white IBook that features a DVD/CD player.

Then I have a stock of Apple cables and power supplies. IPOD's and retro software on CD's.

How-Weird also left behind a vintage IMAC, the extra heavy aluminum version that features a DVD/CD player and comes from 2009-2012. My hope is that this computer is a 2012 version with OSX 10.7 or newer so I can load LR5 and have yet another free retro Mac as a dedicated photography computer.

Later today I will have to hack in. He junked the IMAC and did not give me the password. Hopefully I can break in. "Oh-well," I say.

Cal depending on the os, you ca boot up through the terminal and create an account on it. Ive done it before.
Cal depending on the os, you ca boot up through the terminal and create an account on it. Ive done it before.


How-Weird removed it from the network.

Let's see if I can be stubborn like Christian and hack in.

I found something on the Internet already as a start.

Pretty much I'm kinda use to old computers, I hate updates, and I get confused easily.

Forensics suggest the IMAC Pro that How-Weird abandoned and left behind after he retired dates back to 2009. No Thinderbolt port, and pretty much state of the art back then was Apple's "Firewire."

Not so useful because it is a little too old. The vintage sweet spot for me is around 2012 or slightly newer.

I added it to the Mac Museum in my office. One desk draw is now full of Apple products and boxes, and I started a second drawer. The IMAC Pro is displayed out in full view on a cabinet.

A setback is that tethering either my SL or SL2 into Lightroom requires process version 7 or newer and I'm trying to lock into LR5.

One reason is to avoid confusion, but in the least I have to keep my 7-8 year old MacBook Pro (maxed out with SSD memory) going as is with LR5 because this is dedicated to my Piezography printing.

So pretty much I'm in pre-retirement mode, which means I'm a "short-timer." In today's episode of pre-retirement my cyclotron is running rough, meaning not the best vacuum cause "sparking" which in turn causes the RF to trip and cycle, and after this I have to open the beam-stop again because it automatically closes if the RF trips.

So pretty much this is like back in the day when I was "King of the $200.00 car," and pretty much had a car that would not idle and was prone to stalling, except it is a 3 1/2 million dollar machine.

So chemistry was a problem today in the morning, so that run got cancelled; and in the afternoon the PET camera went down so the afternoon run got cancelled.

Pretty much nothing got done. I ran the main magnet (500 amps) and turned up the RF (50 Kilovolts) to try and condition both the RF and vacuum, but before the first run was cancelled I only got about 20 minutes bombardment on a target.

So this is like being an UBER driver where I follow a schedule say and drive clients to the airport, but in my case I just drive to the airport without any passengers, park, and get paid anyway my full salery.

Today I bought a MacBook Air into work to play around with and clean up. It needed sanitizing and had all the woman spills like coffee, food and makeup crusted on it. I used gauze "sponges" dampened with methanol to sterilize my recycled computer.

I also bought in my old SL and polished it with a damp gauze sponge. Originally I thought I might be able to tether it to the MacBook Air. I brought a few thumb drives to download the apps.

So I pretty much have a backup laptop that literally cost me "no-money" (free) that I would not feel at risk to travel with or leave at work to process and edit the mess I made (photography).

I have 4 1/2 more years of pre-retirement. My friend Dave from Grumman always had very active and busy weekends. He use to say, "I only come to work to rest." LOL.

"I only go to work to rest," I say like my friend Dave who always had full busy weekends.

Yesterday afternoon I get an e-mail from "Maggie" asking me if I want to attend a gallery opening and then after have dinner with her around 8:10 PM.

The gallery is on 78th Street between Madison and Park Avenues, but really closer to Madison, and the restaurant for dinner is nearby on Madison, so I say alright. Pretty much I'm the "plus-one" on the invite.

Maggie had mentioned that the invite comes from this shoe designer and that her husband owns an art gallery: both of them are French.

The exhibition was of this figurative painter who we were introduced to by Paul, the gallery owner. I liked his work and this painter was not some up and coming artist, was an established artist, and I would say was mid career.

I met some English art collectors, and Marie, the shoe designer introduced us to some of her friends.

Dinner was upscale. There were two different tables, and I was seated across from Marie and three other women joined us to make us a party of six. Pretty much I was the only man at the girl's table.

The other table was mostly men and the art crowd which included collectors, the artist and others, but this table seated about 25-30 people.

I was dressed in my Paul Smith jeans, but sported a Paul Smith blue blazer with brown boots and belts with a fancy Ted Baker white shirt with elaborate french cuffs looking rather ritzy.

So doing my girl talking I learn Bella is a Junior at NYU's Tish school of the arts studying film making. Pretty much she has only been in NYC for about 2-3 years. Of course she is into photography, film, darkroom and cameras. She shoots a Nikon F3.

Then there was Amanda who arrived late, a stylist who had attended Parsons, and although perhaps maybe only 25 years old seemed to be on a rapid rise to the top to transform into a creative director. She came across as so well put together.

So a lot of interesting conversation happened. Meanwhile "Maggie" was in deep conversation with a woman who strongly resemble Bernadette Peters except younger and with different hair.

When I was invited into their conversation it became evident that this woman had many connections and influence in the art world.

I was clever in my gathering of information and somehow in conversation brought up the Richard Avedone Retrospective that I saw at MOMA in the late 70's, and I mentioned my favorite shot of that show was the portrait of Andy Warhol exposing the bullet wounds when the Groupie named "Viva" caught him in an elevator where she cornered him and emptied a 38 into his torso at close range.

Casually I mentioned the intrigue surrounding some unsigned Avedone photographs that one of his assistants claims were gifted him that is challenged by Avedone's estate. Avedone's estate claims the assistant stole the prints.

After that it became revealed her grandfather bought up estates of dead photographers and had similar issues with some of Andre Kertez's work. The way it got worked out is that Kertez's estate and her grandfather took turns selecting prints, and that's how the estate got divided.

It gets better because it gets revealed that what eventually became Getty Images bought her grandfather's massive accumulation of photographs as an archive of sorts. This leads to that her parents really didn't have "careers" which suggests that maybe instead of careers they had trust funds.

Eventually this led to a smooth opportunity to pitch my work when she questioned me about my work and the huge mess I created by concentrating on making an archive unknowingly by concentrating on just image capture with a somewhat disregard to printing or putting my work out there. I presented that I now have an archive of sorts that records a disappearing NYC, post 2007-2008.

So I kinda set the hook. Let's see if the further meetings will take place. Both Marie and this mysterious woman want to see my work. I'm kinda glad that I have at least my "Monster" workbook to show them how serious my work is and to demonstrate my skills as a printer.

Pretty much this is another episode of "I was just minding my own business..."

Tonight again I have to suit-up for a private curated preview at Sotheby's. The invite came from some big designer who was invited to curate this collection that will be later auctioned. Maggie hypes this designer as some big VIP.

Again, "I'm just minding my own business."

BTW I had this raw tuna appetizer that had avocado and beets that was remarkable. For an on-tray I had the sea bass which was mighty great. For dessert I had the Terror-me-sue. Maggie ordered the different appetizer and had the filet mig-young. I'm pretty sure this dinner party in a restaurant cost a bundle, but it likely was a write-off for the gallery. Limited choices, but all great.

Towards the end of the night, after 11, we left, but the party had moved to a round table in the back for drinking...

Before I left though I got a few shots in the dim candle-lite restaurant. Belle displayed her shoe (one of Marie's designs) on the table laying back. I only got a few shots in, but one of them caught Amanda's flash from her cell phone.

Then later all the women that sat at my table climbed on a cleared table with a fresh white table cloth for a group shot showing off their shoes.

Wish I had the time to bump the ISO to 800 (had it set at 400) because the shutter speed was 1/8th of a second. Wish I had more DOF for the group shot at F2.8. IBIS works great on the SL2, but in perhaps two of the four of these shots I got off Maggie has closed eyes in two of the shots, and in a third she is moving and motion blur ruins the shot. Oh-well.

Anyways this is kind of a crazy image and shows some out of control women asserting themselves.

By the time I went to bed it was kinda late for me, especially since I get up at 6. Tonight's event won't run late.

Monday and thereafter I'm expecting a delivery of a nickle shutter release for the 1933 black paint Leica III and a lens cap for the 50/3.5 Elmar that is also in nickel and uncoated.

It does seem like I favor old retro single coated glass for small format film. This Elmar though is uncoated. Should be interesting. I guess I love the retro look and it really is my style.

Off a gifted purse that "Maggie" was going to get rid of I salvaged the wrist strap made of soft leather. It is now on the Leica III.

Pretty satisfying having an original black paint camera that is fresh. I have that Hammertone M4 that I got from Ben from Philly. That camera loves the 35/1.8 Nikkor in LTM, and like most of my old retro single coated glass the distance scales are measured in feet only, which I love.

The 50 Elmar is in meters.

I'm likely going to secure a 90/8.0 Schneider Super Augulon that is single coated to build out my Technar (Christian's kit camera). Pretty much a 25mm FOV on a 4x5. This will is being set up as a "Kill-Zone" camera with focus set up at 2 meters or about 7 feet for DOF extending from about 4 1/2-5 feet to about 10 feet.

I have the 4x5 mask to use on the oversized "Zebra" zoom finder. It does well for that all at once wide angle view. Mighty cool. I use an o-ring to lock the VF'er to the shoe. Also looks evil.

Today I have to go to the "Hell Gate" Post Office to sign for one of my parcels. Pretty much a Third World experience that leaves one thinking that they are not in the U.S.

At least its not the first of the month: when that happens the lines go out into the street because so many are getting Postal Money orders to pay their bills. How sad that people are so poor that they cannot afford having a checking account.

I canabilized the white Linhof grip and mounting bracket off my baby Tech V. I acquired the stray Linhof grip and bracket from Christian in some past deal.

I re-installed this leather strap that is Linhof OEM that came with the unusual baby Tech V that has no back movements and no serial number because evidently it was an experiment/prototype.

The cam was cut for a Rodenstock 95/2.8 which didn't come with the Tech V. The other two sections of the cam remain uncut. I installed a different cam to allow mounting and using a Zeiss 53/4.5 Biogon that I own. It has part of the cam cut for a 100/2.8, which is likely the Zeiss Planar which I also own that came with a baby Tech IV.

The 90/8.0 single coated Super Augulon is likely the parcel at the P.O. that I will pick-up today.

I have a Schneider 90/6.8 Augulon that I could of used but "Devil Christian" warned me that it likely will vignette with the nose-cone he gifted me. He describes this 90/6.8 as having a great center sharpness with a falloff of resolution on the edges of the frame and in the corners. This lens also is low coma so no lava lamps from bright sources of light when night shooting doing bulb exposures.

The Schneider 90/8.0 SA is a very different lens in that the sharpness is more evenly distributed, but the center sharpness does not rival the 90/6.8 Augulon. The 90/8.0 SA also has a bigger image circle, a big rear element that gets closer to the film plane (this will prevent vignetting), and is much bigger and heavier than the 90/6.8.

The 90/6.8 will fold into my Tech IV/V "Christian Special," but the larger 90/8.0 SA won't. Oh-well.

So "Linhof Disease" can spread. The new 90/8.0 SA can easily mount to the Linhof Color Kardan 45S, and since it comes with the cam with the matching serial numbers and a hammertone Linhof lens board it actually is good to go on the Tech IV/V as is.

So pretty much not too much more work until I have a second "Christian Special" home-brew fixed focus 25mm FOV 4x5 camera. BTW the camera looks mighty pro. Not too big or heavy right now without a lens. Christian kinda warned me though that the SA is kinda big, "E67" filter size and heavy.

Over the weekend I shot "Maggie" both Saturday and Sunday. One shot was in our apartment for International Woman's Day, and last night we did night shooting.

This one brand I really hate doing because the clothing has to get returned and we can't remove the tags. How cheesy is that? Maggie is short and is so small that her size is a size 2, so these jerks send us a size 10 that is mucho supersized. Know that Maggie has informed them that she is a size 2.

So now we are done with this brand: I hope forever: the suck: what a hassle to deal with: also the delivery and sending back is a hassle the way they do it. Makes no sense. Oh-well, that's the world of fashion it seems.

Also Sunday I walked back and forth to B&H. Had to stock up on Visible Dust full-frame swabs for sensor cleaning, only have 3 swabs left. Also bought a hot shoe cover for the SL2.

Had to clean the sensor on the SL2. Since that camera has IBIS I had to lock the sensor. A bit tricky the first time, but EZ-PZ.

On the way home used a DSW coupon to secure a pair of brown boots made in Italy that were in the clearance rack. Normally $325.00 clearenced priced down to $189.00 first 40% off and then an additional 20% for a total of 60% off for a final price of $81.00.

Cheap-cheap-cheap. Also Saturday we raided Bed Bath and Beyond and we exploited $10.00 off any $30.00 items, and 20% off any single item. Pretty much we hosed them and saved mucho money. Also the prices on raw coffee beans, almond butter, Mary's crackers, olive oil, body lotion and all these other consumerables were priced better than CVS or Fairway.

The city seemed pretty "M-T."

The CDC recommends avoiding public gatherings, so for now the March Meet-Up is canceled.

Let's see what things are like in April.

I learned today that humidifying the air makes diseases less "airborn." For my prints, my printer, and for my health I run two humidifiers in my small apartment.

Also know that because of job uncertainty, I followed the rule to keep money I might need over the next 5 years in cash. "Maggie" also kinda did the same thing.

Now it seems that my work and further employment is secure, but now we are in a novel situation of an "economic freeze" meaning a supply and a demand shock happening at the same time.

Pretty lucky to be sitting on cash as we approach a bear market as oil implodes.

The 90/8.0 Super Angulon that arrived yesterday is beautiful. I had to contact the seller because the "cam" was missing, and he found it and will ship it separately today.

The "Christian Special" is looking mighty cool. I have the right length OEM Linhof cable release that intergrates into the Linhof grip I brought to work yesterday to drill and tap mounting holes. I set up the camera optimized for verticles. The level of comfort and the ergonomics is impressive. Also looks "evil."

Did some obsessive thinking last night transposing DOF from meters to feet. I decided that the sweet spot for me for my "kill-zone" for a 4x5 25mm FOV is precisely 2 1/2 meters or about 8 1/4 feet to set my focus.

So "I was just minding my own business" and it seems like I could be part of a group show. Evidently "Marie" the shoe designer is having an exhibit in a gallery that is not her husband Paul's gallery of photographers that have either worked for her, or photographed her shoes.

So at last week's dinner midweek gallery opening and dinner party I did some rouge fast shooting at the end of the night. Pretty much had the ISO set at 400 on the SL2 with the camera rigged with the APO 35 Cron and didn't have time to set a higher ISO for a few quick shots. The shutter speeds were 1/8th of a second, and on top of that the shots were underexposed 2/3rds to one full stop.

So the files are so clean that pushing the film speed in post was not too bad, and IBIS allowed a sharp focus. My single point focus was on Bella's shoes as she reclined and stretched her leg. Bella is the NYU film student who is perhaps 22.

Marie earlier in the week inquired about the shots I took, and last night liked the ones I took of Bella and her shoes. Pretty much they were right out of the camera with no post processing.

I happen to have $269.00 worth of credit at Digital Silver Imaging. The show is in May, so here I go...

The files after processing looked good on my 27 inch EIZO, so I know that I can print larger than that. Understand that the restaurant was dimly lite and pretty much was candlelight. These pretty much are art shots though.

Let's see where this goes...

Ow common lets not panic. A public gathering is not 5 of us plus 3 pickled regulars.
Very true. If you're not going to do the Meetup that means that you're not doing anything else where any people gather. No subway, no restaurants, no taxis, no Uber.
Phil Forrest
The 90/8.0 Super Angulon that arrived yesterday is beautiful. I had to contact the seller because the "cam" was missing, and he found it and will ship it separately today.

If I may offer my experiences, the 90mm F8 Sinar Norma Super Angulon is the optic that I by choice traveled with thirty years ago, it can be a flawless optic. That said, sample variation was huge back in those days, so Sinar and Linhof cherry picked their optics, bench testing everything. One in ten lenses would pass on and get their engraved front rings. Even so everything is suspect passing through lots of hands, so critical testing is the way to go. After these lenses come from what I call the "Golden Age of Photography" so good is golden.

The 90mm F6.8 is a Dagor design, the F6.8 aperture is a dead giveaway. I have a complete Schneider Angulon collection (in barrels and shutters) from 65mm to 210mm, if that tells you anything. However according to the early specs this lens covers 9x12cm which is a smidge smaller than 4x5. I have lots of 9x12cm and 4x5 film so I shoot both sizes, not an issue. Also you can shoot 9x12 film in a 4x5 camera, you just need the 9x12cm holders. Linhof made some nice ones, I like the Sinar Norma marked ones. Dagors have a lovely "look" to them IMO.

One last thing, in the early Intl Photo Technik and Sinar ads (1960s or so) show that Schneider made a really really big deal that the Super Angulons function can be used optimally wide open. Just the thing for your 8x10 or 5x7 Technikas!

Establish your acceptable circle of confusion, and then work out the hyperfocal distances for the distance you need. I selected a more stringent circle of confusion when I made my charts up. Everything tightened up and sharpened up maximally when I did that.

Personalizing your camera the custom way is the way to do it.
If I may offer my experiences, the 90mm F8 Sinar Norma Super Angulon is the optic that I by choice traveled with thirty years ago, it can be a flawless optic. That said, sample variation was huge back in those days, so Sinar and Linhof cherry picked their optics, bench testing everything. One in ten lenses would pass on and get their engraved front rings. Even so everything is suspect passing through lots of hands, so critical testing is the way to go. After these lenses come from what I call the "Golden Age of Photography" so good is golden.

The 90mm F6.8 is a Dagor design, the F6.8 aperture is a dead giveaway. I have a complete Schneider Angulon collection (in barrels and shutters) from 65mm to 210mm, if that tells you anything. However according to the early specs this lens covers 9x12cm which is a smidge smaller than 4x5. I have lots of 9x12cm and 4x5 film so I shoot both sizes, not an issue. Also you can shoot 9x12 film in a 4x5 camera, you just need the 9x12cm holders. Linhof made some nice ones, I like the Sinar Norma marked ones. Dagors have a lovely "look" to them IMO.

One last thing, in the early Intl Photo Technik and Sinar ads (1960s or so) show that Schneider made a really really big deal that the Super Angulons function can be used optimally wide open. Just the thing for your 8x10 or 5x7 Technikas!

Establish your acceptable circle of confusion, and then work out the hyperfocal distances for the distance you need. I selected a more stringent circle of confusion when I made my charts up. Everything tightened up and sharpened up maximally when I did that.

Personalizing your camera the custom way is the way to do it.


The 90/8.0 SA I have is a "Linhof" select version in pristine condition. The $308.00 with the shipping and tax also includes a premium for a grey hammertone Linhof lens board, the cam with matching S/N, and front and rear caps.

The seller found the missing cam and will likely be shipping it today.

This lens basically is a shelf queen, but the speeds are a bit slow and the shutter sticks below 1/30th of a second.

I studied the FOV (25mm) using my Zebra finder and realized the sweet spot for me is likely an 8 1/2 foot focus. I can see shooting a lot at F8.0 and F-11 mostly, and it is great to hear that at F8.0 the lens is great.

I too have the 90/6.8. This lens is well loved by Devil Christian for having a great center sharpness and a retro looking roll-off of sharpness towards the edges and the corners.

My Plaubel 69W "Proshift" has a 47/5.6 MC Super Angulon. This provides a 21mm FOV on a 6x9 with shifts. A great ultra-wide that eats lots of film.

I have GAS for a late 21/3.4 SA in M-mount to dedicate to a black Canadian MD-2. It would be great to have both a 21 in 6x9 and 35mm.

I can see this "Christian Special" becoming an important camera for me.

Interesting to note that next Wednesday I have an appointment at the 23rd Precinct. One of my "Crazies" evidently is a police informant, don't tell anyone, and he pretty much says he has a gig for me (paying) working for the police.

East Harlem where I live in Madhattan is likely the worst neighborhood and the poorest in all of Madhattan. A quarter of the population lives in public housing, and it is said that half of East Harlem's residents receive some form of government check.

I live in a luxury building that is out of place at the top of a steep hill that is a block away from where Bruce Davidson photographed with an 8x10 the extreme poverty of 1969, "East 100th Street."

I was just minding my own business walking along when I got questioned by "Leo" (not his real name I was told). In conversation he told me of his martial arts training, and displayed his right fist. All four knuckles were savagely oversized due to having been broken, I assume from fighting. Pretty much an "Iron Fist" that will not break again.

I ended up taking a remarkable shot of "Leo's" hand with my SL and APO 35 Cron. The huge knuckles are highly detailed because I asked Leo to show me his fist, and then the background is all bokeh. This shot is really ghetto.

So how did I become "WeeGee Junior?"

Very true. If you're not going to do the Meetup that means that you're not doing anything else where any people gather. No subway, no restaurants, no taxis, no Uber.
Phil Forrest


My grandfather was executed in China for killing the loan shark who burned down his business. My grandfather was a gambler.

I also was an aggressive swing and position trader playing against hedge funds from 2004-2007. I used margin and the only real difference between my trading and a hedge fund was that hedge funds used 30:1 leverage, in my margin account I was only allowed 3:1 leverage, and basically the only difference was one zero. Only had two-three margin calls during that period.

Know that I opened my margin account with borrowed money from a Zero APR offer from a credit card company. Basically I borrowed money to open the margin account. It does not get more aggressive than that. Also my gambling was so good that one year my accountant said that I had to start either watching my capitol gains or I should start paying quarterly taxes to avoid penalties due to a lack of witholding.

I also traded biotech, oil and gold, the most risky and volatile segments of the market.

So I by nature am not afraid of risk, and I know how to gauge risk verses reward. Not only is being a gambler in my DNA, but I have aggressive tendencies, and perhaps an addictive personality.

Pretty much having a meet-up is not worth the risk.

So do I avoid the subway: yes. Did I take the bus to get home from work on a rainy day: yes. DO I AVOID UNNESSARY RISK? Do I calculate the risk and rewards of my actions?

Recently I walked to B&H to do some shopping, avoiding both the subway and buses. I also did a huge Bed Bath and Beyond haul also involving no mass transit. Took advantage of a 20% sale on top of a 40% discount on a fine pair of Italian boots at DSW in the clearance rack: original price $325.00; my price $81.00.

As a gambler I calculate odds and risk all the time. Its in my DNA.

so silly to Cancel the meet up... Unless the city totally shuts down
lets keep people working and the economy moving forward

no offence Cal but for always touting youtself as a ‘vintage hipster’
You really are very safe ... sorry to say, though Me still Loves You

Where is the romance and chivalry to be with the cameras and the friends You love .... ;)
New Possible locale

I found an interesting restaurant/bar called Ping Pong
the walls are painted Graffiti .Punk Art style
and yes, ping pong tables all along the walls of the restaurant to Use and Play
with for free !

the ping pong balls are orange styro foam type so in case your not good at the Game and it hits a diner, you are not hurt, lol

There is also a small more private room with a ping ping table and b&w photographs
adorn the wall

In Manhattan , 54 th Street off Fifth avenue, ‘Ping Pomg ... 7 East 54 Street
Monday and thereafter I'm expecting a delivery of a nickle shutter release for the 1933 black paint Leica III and a lens cap for the 50/3.5 Elmar that is also in nickel and uncoated.

It does seem like I favor old retro single coated glass for small format film. This Elmar though is uncoated. Should be interesting. I guess I love the retro look and it really is my style.

Off a gifted purse that "Maggie" was going to get rid of I salvaged the wrist strap made of soft leather. It is now on the Leica III.

Pretty satisfying having an original black paint camera that is fresh. I have that Hammertone M4 that I got from Ben from Philly. That camera loves the 35/1.8 Nikkor in LTM, and like most of my old retro single coated glass the distance scales are measured in feet only, which I love.

The 50 Elmar is in meters.

I'm likely going to secure a 90/8.0 Schneider Super Augulon that is single coated to build out my Technar (Christian's kit camera). Pretty much a 25mm FOV on a 4x5. This will is being set up as a "Kill-Zone" camera with focus set up at 2 meters or about 7 feet for DOF extending from about 4 1/2-5 feet to about 10 feet.

I have the 4x5 mask to use on the oversized "Zebra" zoom finder. It does well for that all at once wide angle view. Mighty cool. I use an o-ring to lock the VF'er to the shoe. Also looks evil.



I am very glad you are enjoying your new Leica III. If I recall correctly, that Elmar is not completely uncoated. I seem to remember that it has developed pretty nice blooming on the front element. It acts as a primitive version of single coating.
New Possible locale

I found an interesting restaurant/bar called Ping Pong
the walls are painted Graffiti .Punk Art style
and yes, ping pong tables all along the walls of the restaurant to Use and Play
with for free !

the ping pong balls are orange styro foam type so in case your not good at the Game and it hits a diner, you are not hurt, lol

There is also a small more private room with a ping ping table and b&w photographs
adorn the wall

In Manhattan , 54 th Street off Fifth avenue, ‘Ping Pomg ... 7 East 54 Street
Helen, this place sounds like a hoot!

I have to admit that the idea of using 'safer' ping pong balls to avoid injury made me smile. It's like using empty pillow cases to have a 'safer' pillow fight.

It kinda figures that the month when I have the most free time (I'm laid off due to coronavirus closures - temporarily, I hope!) is the month we cancel the meetup. I tend to agree with Cal, though. There's no sense in taking unnecessary risks until things settle down some.
A lot changed over the past 4 days. NYC is shutting down.

My boss called me and inquired about this week's schedule, and then he told me if patients get cancelled and there is no schedule don't come to work and stay at home.

Realize that even though I work for two hospitals and technically I'm a health care worker that I support research and the medical studies I support are considered "elective."

After that phone call from my big boss, one institution cancelled all the patient studies for the week. How serous is two major NYC hospitals are getting ready for the worst that they don't want to have to worry about me during an emergency?

I have maxed out the medical leave and sick-time bank at 540 hours. This allows me to be out of work for 14.4 weeks without loss of pay, but the way this emergency is being handled the "bank" will not get drawn down and will remain maxed out and full.

I have to come in tomorrow, but will stay home Wednesday, Thursday and perhaps Friday I'll come to work just to check the schedule and my e-mail.

Here is the history lesson because I don't want people to be foolish. About 100 years ago there was a pandemic called the "Spanish Flue." It raged for about 5 years and killed about 30 million people, estimated to be about a third of the world's population.

Then there was the Black Plague that killed many in Europe. They report that some Europeans actually have an immunity to AIDS because of the Black Plague Pandemic. This disease lasted about 3 years before it diminished. The nursery ryhme "Ring Around The Rosey" describes the sores, and "We all fall down" predicts certain death.

In New Mexico there is an expression "Home of the flea, and land of the plague" because the fleas on Prarrie Dogs in New Mexico remain carriers of the Black Plague today, and every year there are a few cases (about a handful).

Moral of the story is every couple of hundred years Pandemics breakout and it culls out the weak and vulnerable; and in today's modern world also the foolish.

Pretty much what I'm suggesting that Pandemics are a naturally occurring event that is part of evolution.

So I have a story about a family I know who lives in a rivertown in Westchester. The family is afluent, both the mother and father are college educated, their income is high, they have 4 kids: two are in college; two are in high school.

The weekend before last weekend the husband and wife attended a wedding. Meanwhile the two college students were sent home because their universities were closed down.

Policies of social distancing were not enforced and mucho gatherings occurred in the home by both the college students, the parents and of course the high schoolers.

Someone at the wedding tested positive for the Corona Virus. Since last Friday this family has self quar-rent-TEENed. They are awaiting testing and were told health care workers will be coming to their house eventually because so far no one has symptoms.

Yesterday the husband has a mild fever and a cough.

Know that the youngest kid has ashma. Know that I judge this behavior of the parents as being "high school" like wondering what they were thinking. I will also could rant about their sense of entitlement displayed and the example they set for their children. Now I'm worried, concerned, and hope for the best. I hope nothing bad happens due to the parent's childish behavior.

I think of myself as a risk taker, but know since my work situation was not stable and remained uncertain that I prepared for the worse, loosing my job. Presently I now know I have secure employment, so things have changed, but I took note of two sayings from finance: one is if you might need money within 5 years retain mucho cash, especially if close to retirement; and lastly a broken watch has the correct time twice a day.

"Maggie" also is sitting on mucho cash. What is going on in the markets is a historic event. Be aware that recent FED actions suggest that U.S. Treasuries might not be so safe anymore.

Gold has been accumulated by banks and the FED, but even gold is being sold off to raise cash.

I speculate that this might be only be a beginning of a black swan event, compounded by another black swan: an oil price war for market share between the big three players: U.S.; Russia; and Saudi Arabia.

Pretty much what I'm saying is don't discount history and think about possible negative outcomes even though the thoughts might be unpleasant realities.

Some drastic changes have happened over the past 4 days and the world we live in is quite changed. Since Sharlene's serves no food basically they will be closed after tomorrow.
