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The best camera is one that still works!
Local time
2:13 AM
May 5, 2006
I've been shooting a lot more of it lately ... mainly with my RF645 and although I like and am a frequent user of 35mm nothing does it for me like 120 film and I suspect that I may eventually have to sell my soul to the devil to get the new Bessa Folder! :eek:

Unfortunately I can also think of a few other MF cameras I'd like to own ... a Mamiya C330 comes to mind and possibly an RB67 ... a Hasselblad wouldn't go astray either. From what I can perceive used MF gear offers an incredible range of stunningly competent cameras and lenses at extrordinary value.

I went out yesterday with a tripod, my RF645, a meter and a couple of rolls of film ... I only used one roll (PanF+) and spent quite a few hours shooting that one ... in terms of satisfaction that roll of film was probably worth more to me than the last five rolls of 35mm I've shot.

Please show me some of your pics that have made you smile and think to yourself ... "Yep, I love MF!" :)
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MF detail is amazing. I shoot MF concurrent with my Leicas. These include Hasselblad (60mm/100mm), Makina 67, and Mamiya 6 (75mm). Occasionally I get lucky with a great shot.
...nothing does it for me like 120 film and I suspect that I may eventually have to sell my soul to the devil to get the new Bessa Folder! ...

You use a handheld meter don't you? If so, just get one of the older Voigtlander rangefinders (Bessa II or RF) with a Heliar.

BTW, I love that photo!
Incidentally ... Fergus, if you happen to see this thread this shot was taken with one of the rolls of film you generously gave away to Australian RFFers several months ago.

Thanks again for that selfless gesture mate! :)
I too recently acquired MF with a good deal on a Rollei 6002 and 50/80/150.

Very fortunate to also get a good deal on a Minolta Multi Pro for scanning.

Just need the weather to change now and I'll be in heaven :)
MF is pretty awesome. Even with a camera I'm now angry with and may never get fixed.

(Treasonous) Fuji GS645 on Arista.EDU Ultra 100 dev in D-76
I can't say that I went out and bought any 120 film but I did dig out some of my boxes of 120 negatives and contact sheets, mostly from the sixties and seventies. Seeing those photos for the first time after all those years is a revelation! I still have a couple of TLR's. Maybe I will buy some film.
Great thread Keith. I always enjoy my MF shots more, and seem to have a much higher "hit rate" with my MF cameras. For that reason I have been trying to shoot 35mm more, as I felt like clearly the issue is me, and I simply need to get "better". That being said, I still love shooting MF. Here is my most recent effort:

Exakta 66 Mod II - Flektogon 50

MF detail is amazing. I shoot MF concurrent with my Leicas. These include Hasselblad (60mm/100mm), Makina 67, and Mamiya 6 (75mm). Occasionally I get lucky with a great shot.

You have excellent tastes in cameras ;) The Makina 67 is amazing.
I have the Mamiya 6, and can't imagine parting with it, in my life.
I load up my ThinkTank with my M4-P, Mamiya 6 (75mm, and 50mm),
and the Polaroid 600 SE with the 127mm, and the 75mm, and for digital
- the Lumix G1 and a Gitzo 1227 - awesome tripod. That's my travel kit.

The detail I can get from the Mamiya 6, is very impressive.

I do think the Mamiya 6 and its lenses are a bit contrasty, I am actually thinking of dumping a Rollie 6003,
and get a Mamiya TLR C220, for an interior, studio camera,
keep everything else for street, field, and candid's.
I use the Lumix G1 for snapshots and when there is a need for digital,
I like that I can use the M mount lenses on it, via an adapter,
it keeps me - one toe in the digital world I suppose.

Anyways - most images of the C330 or C220 makes me think that this
will work for me, not as expensive as a Rolleiflex, and I am really
charmed by Mamiya lenses in general, after a few years with a 645 outfit,
I realized I prefer rangefinders, and recently sold it off an got the Mamiya 6 outfit.
As much as I like mf, I'm beginning to dislike my Yashica-D, and have an itch to try a 6x6 slr, but they're quite a bit above my little tlr in terms of price. Maybe I'll have a little sale soon to try and raise some money for an Kiev 6c(or 60)...
Here are a few from a recent contact sheet .....

Plaubel Makina 670 :)


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your preaching to the choir man.

Great pic, very "Aussie".

Rolleiflex 2.8E

Rolleiflex 3.5F

Mamiya 7II


To me MF can produce images at f16 that I feel I can walk into ... without resorting to the ultra wide aperture bokeh gymanstics of 35mm! (which I quite like too incidentally!)

Paul, that Velvia shot is stunning ... I knew as soon as iI looked it wasn't Wellington :angel: ... where I spent twenty wind blown years of my life! :p
Incidentally ... Fergus, if you happen to see this thread this shot was taken with one of the rolls of film you generously gave away to Australian RFFers several months ago.

Thanks again for that selfless gesture mate! :)

No worries Keith, good to see it's getting some use.

I was wondering when I saw your shot in the gallery... titled 'the call'... if you had stopped driving and jumped out trying to get a better mobile phone signal? :)
your preaching to the choir man.

Great pic, very "Aussie".Todd

Hey, not a sermon Todd ... more like a celebration or confirmation! :D

I know all you guys are hooked or you wouldn't be here ... the 35mm devotees can only look in awe! :p
I wanted to see firsthand a MF film in person. I picked up a Yashica 124 at a camera show and loaded it with some Ilford XP2. At the time I didn't develop my own film so C-41 it was. I drove down to the bay and walked along the water. These were my first MF shots, I was hooked.
