New York Napalm Girl: 50 years later @ fotografiska June 6th


Desperate but not serious
Local time
10:01 AM
Feb 3, 2010
The BBC's John Sargent (spelling?) was a reoprter in Vietnam, and was there as the girl ran down the road. He talked about it in a programme on books - he said that reading Catch-22 in Vietnam kept him sane, because there, Catch-22 made perfect sense. I guess that says it all...
Out of all the photos of the Viet Nam war, and there were many, two stand out and they are shameful. The famous Kim Phuc one and the other is of the head of Security for South Viet Nam summarily executing a captured Viet Cong in the street during the Tet offensive. I have watched and rewatched the PBS special on the Viet Nam war a few times now. And I wonder, all that misery for what?

I am grateful for all those who have recorded war. I wish we had learned from them.