Arizona Phoenix January Meet


Local time
9:10 AM
Feb 10, 2006
I just sent this message out to the 7 members I have on my list. I'm repeating it here in hopes it will attract others who might like to attend.


Hello All,

This is the first email I’ve sent out on this list of 7 members (8 including myself). I’ve sent it out to myself and blind copied all others because I don’t want to hand out email addresses without your permission.
In future though, I’d like to send them out with the addresses open to encourage communication between us all. Please let me know if you have any objections to this.

We’ve discussed a January 13 trip to the Phoenix Art Museum. That’s a trip I personally would very much like to make. So, let’s set a specific time and place of meeting so we can make this happen. My suggestion is that we find a place for a little lunch and then shoot afterwards. 11:30 seems a good time to me, what we need is a place for lunch. Those of you familiar with the immediate area around the museum…where would you suggest?
I’d like to set a specific target time to be at the museum so those folks with limited time can chose to attend lunch or just skip it in favor of the shooting time. I think 2 hours for lunch and getting to the museum (hopefully at a walk) should be enough for introductions where necessary and passing around of your very expensive gear so I can say at least that I’ve “touched one of those.”

So, tentative schedule:

Lunch (location unknown): 11:30
Shoot, Phoenix Art Museum: 1:30

If nothing else, please block out that afternoon so you can attend. We’ll work out the details between now and then.

Oh, and if anyone has ever shot in the museum and can share anticipated exposure information, I’d appreciate it. Right now I’m planning on loading 800 ISO film since I don’t have any really fast glass.

Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, or whatever works for you… :)
Willow House...I'm not sure if photographers are "artsy" enough for this place, but it sounds like fun.

Call it a coffee house if you like, but this converted cottage is about as far from a Starbuck's as you will find. Here, arty-type painters, poets and performers gather for a caffeine fix and munchies. The place has a mellow atmosphere with lots of artwork for sale. The place is a bit funky and free spirited. Besides the indoor seating, picnic tables are available on the outdoor patio. Coffee drinks are the specialty of the house. A deli counter serves up soups, sandwiches and salads in the $4-8 range.
dazedgonebye said:
Willow House...I'm not sure if photographers are "artsy" enough for this place, but it sounds like fun....[/I]
Perish the thought.. unless you are sporting tons of neck tatoos, wear dreadlocks, and/or can prove you are positively into grunge, that place will probably not serve you any food. PLus, their food sucks. BIG waste of time, in my opinion. I say let's move on...
Sorry Steve, I just found the place dreadfully depressing... I might be of interest to photograph but then again the biker babes who frequent it might object :)
There is an Irish Pub downtown, the fish and chips are pretty good, haven't tried anything else on the menu. I think it is called Seamus MaCaffrey's.
Posted on the old AZ get together thread, intended for this discussion.

Oh Two said:
Across the street from the Art museum (South side) is Marvin's Gardens (kind of like the Monopoly game).
It's an old kind of run down place, but has good food and waitresses that are career girls.
Usually Marvin, the owner, is around to greet folks. He's a good old boy.
There are locals who are the regulars. We usually eat there when we visit museum.

I like across the street....
dazedgonebye said:
Posted on the old AZ get together thread, intended for this discussion.

I like across the street....

me my brother and dad used to go there when it was called sunnyside cafe last time i went by there they changed the name im not to sure what it is called now probally the marvin garden's like dazedgonebye said...

that place is the best, well it was the best, good food and good people the waitress's have attitude and everything really good place. They used to allow smoking in there while you smoke eat, so i loved that.

but like i said i havent been there in along time...
place might have changed...
Ok guys,

I’ve had a bit of input on when and where…rather than go round and round for consensus, I’ll just make a (semi)command decision and set up a place and time for meeting.
We could alter these specifics a bit if it works better and more people can attend. In the mean time, this is what I (we)’ve come up with:
Let’s meet January the 13th at 11:00 AM at Marvin’s Garden restaurant. We can have a bite for lunch, do introductions as necessary and do a little camera fondling if we like. Once there, we can do the museum and break up as our schedules demand.

Marvin’s Garden is across the street from the museum and it’s got a good basic menu.
Their address is:

Marvin's Garden
101 E. McDowell
Phoenix, AZ

A menu can be found HERE.

A map can be found HERE.

I’ll repeat this message via email, but please, respond here if you can or cannot make it, so everyone will know what to expect.

Thanks. I hope to see as many of you as possible there.

Last edited:
Just bumping this up as a reminder and hoping to find a couple of more folks to join us for lunch and a museum shoot.

dazedgonebye said:
Ok guys,

I’ve had a bit of input on when and where…rather than go round and round for consensus, I’ll just make a (semi)command decision and set up a place and time for meeting.
We could alter these specifics a bit if it works better and more people can attend. In the mean time, this is what I (we)’ve come up with:
Let’s meet January the 13th at 11:00 AM at Marvin’s Garden restaurant. We can have a bite for lunch, do introductions as necessary and do a little camera fondling if we like. Once there, we can do the museum and break up as our schedules demand.

Marvin’s Garden is across the street from the museum and it’s got a good basic menu.
Their address is:

Marvin's Garden
101 E. McDowell
Phoenix, AZ

A menu can be found HERE.

A map can be found HERE.

I’ll repeat this message via email, but please, respond here if you can or cannot make it, so everyone will know what to expect.

Thanks. I hope to see as many of you as possible there.

Nick, Gerry and Ansel.

akptc said:
Hi Steve, great picture, sorry I missed the meet.

I hope your wife is doing better.

Actually, the shoot in the museum was a bit of a bust for me. I was warned off three times by the photo nazis. Apparently, you can't take pictures of the museum's architecture. I asked them where I might point a camera from INSIDE of a building and not have 'architecture' in the shot.
No answer.
dazedgonebye said:
...Apparently, you can't take pictures of the museum's architecture. I asked them where I might point a camera from INSIDE of a building and not have 'architecture' in the shot.
No answer.
I heard that if you bring them frosted muffins (the chocolate type), they go easy on you :)

They seem to live in their own little world; I've run into the same at several museums in the SW. Surprisingly, no one ever bothered me at the Heard Museum in Phx. Still, you managed to grab a very cool shot.