Please share your 4x5" photos!

I’ve only just seen your series of photos giganova. They’re absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking. There’s such a great depth to their beauty that I can look at them for hours. Brilliant! Many thanks for showing them.
Haven't shot much 4x5" this year, with most events being cancelled.
Some shots from last year's Living History trip.



Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic, 127mm f/4.7 Ektar, Fomapan 100.
The camera had taken a tumble into a drainage ditch, together with the photographer and was still doing okay.....the RF was out of whack, and the drop bed was slighly bent at this point.
Once I got back home I managed to beat it back into shape with a vice and a mallet. ;)

Noticed: The first full view of a Jeep on the right with the vertical bar on the bumper. My dad who was in Europe during WW2 said they welded metal bars vertically on the front bumper to guard against cables strung across the roads by the German Army towards the end of the war.
I pull out the 4x5 every now and then. Fun. Nice change of pace. I'd probably do it more often if I had a nice camera but all I have is a beat up Speed Graphic. It works though. Can't complain.


Rodenstock 300mm APO Ronar, HP5, PMK
I picked up a Boyer lens and wanted to try it out and ended up seeing this.... Chance favors the prepared, or just whoever is there. Lol.


Boyer Zircon 210mm, Fomapan 100, Pyrocat PC