Press size 2.25X3.25 cameras and film

Everybody shoots roll 120. So do I, BUT 2x3 and 6x9cm sheet film used to be cheap-cheap, so I loaded my freezer up with it, many kinds slowly were gone from the market, often at close-out prices. Anyway way cheaper than today, actually there are big dealers in the UK and Germany that sell fresh 6x9cm at fair current prices. When I loaded up the truck, it only makes sense to me to buy enough to offset the shipping costs, it gets the ship percentage down. And I buy in Winter so the film doesn't bake for days in a black shipping truck. Honeywell stainless Nikor tanks and metal racks hold 2x3 and 6x9 in quantity, need to get mine going. And I have holders galore many kinds, sometimes they come in bundle deals. So I'm set. Metal 6x9cm Plates weigh a LOT!!! but are an interesting and completely different way from shooting roll film, which is still my mainstay when going out. I have found it good to have both. At this point most of my 6x9 plate holders are loaded ready to shoot. I do have some very interesting films from Eastern Europe, again bought in quantity.

For fresh 2x3 choices are very limited. But Freestyle has 100 and 400 B&W and I loaded up on that long ago. I have six 2x3 Graphic Graphmatics and a lot of Fidelity and Lisco 2x3 Holders. They weigh less than the European plate stuff, totally reliable and precise to use. The finest 2x3 film holders I have are the Linhof 2x3 ones, they also work with glass plates and planfilm and are mucho deluxe :)
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Makiflex with PJ1325 Universal Normal Double Groove Back and Double Groove Holders by Nokton48, on Flickr

Here's Makiflex Auto #1 with PJ1/325 Adapter with spring-loaded ground-glass screen, 6.5x9cm, for universal darkslide 6.5x9cm with Normal Double Groove Has four heavy clamps that keep the film holders tight in the back. As you can see the Back came with Single Shot and Double Shot 6.5x9cm Double Rail Holders. In a bundle I am hoping it works together since it came to me as a bundle. And also you can see I have a lot of 6.5x9cm sheet film in many flavours ready to load into these holders.
I got a beat up 2x3 sheet film camera from my local camera shop free about 12 years ago..they just gave it to me.
Cute as all hell..
But..I prefer roll film 2x3.
Kinda like comparing the mini 4x4 Rollieflex to the reg sized Rollieflex.
Cute as hell..but would rather shoot 35mm instead of 4x4...or the 2.25".
The Grafic 2x3 is simple and easy to many ways I think its better than the Linhofs... which have their strong points as well.
Sort of like 4x5..I just go straight up to 5x7 Anba at 3lbs camera weight while the heavier 4x5 lays fallow.
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SONY DSC by Nokton48, on Flickr

This all fits in the small Zone VI White Bag, looks like a picnic cooler. Restored Plaubel Peco Junior body with Jim Galvin Glenn Evans Graflex Roll Back modded to Peco Junior. Made to nicely hold Singer Graflex 120/220 Roll Backs. Two RH8 2.25x3.25, two RH10 6x7cm, one 220 RH20. Three Fujinon GX680 lenses modded to Plaubel Junior Boards. From the left, the 125mm F5.6 GX680, then the 50mm F5.6 GX680, then on the right, the 180mm F5.6 GX680. All three lenses work perfectly with the standard length Plaubel Peco Jr Rail. Film loaded is Ilford PanF+, Ilford Delta 100, Shanghai 220 EI 100, Maco ORT25, Ilford FP4+, Ilford HP5+. So this I'll be taking out this spring, on an olde Star-D tripod. The tripod has a shoulder strap for traveling, and the bag is HEAVY but has everything I need plus room for odds and ends. Apertures on the shutters fully correctly marked, and verified through direct measurement of the lens front irises. All now perfect ready for fully testing. Eight 120 test rolls have yielded perfect frames, some outside tests and some studio stuff. Will post photos soon. These lenses are sharp enough for digital medium format. Hmmmmmm

And this takes 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 sheet film holders as well, I have Graflex and Linhof ones. This camera also takes Plaubel Makina Plates and Sheet Film 120 Backs
Which 6X12 back did you pick up? Seem to be a couple out there.
I’m on vacation this week into next week so I’ll have to take a look when I return home.


I think I have the DAYI and have had it for at least 10 years. Looking at DAYI and Shen Hao, they’re virtually identical.
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Nokton48: Thought of your gear (Makina III's?)the other day btw, so good to see your post. Thank you. So sounds like this isn't this the same stuff... the Makina III gear.... but actually a Peco Junior? How's it compare to say a 4X5, or on it's own weight wise? Curious about weight of the kit with 2 or 3 lenses and tops... 2 rolls.... as a day kit rather than EVERYTHING I GOT (sure ticket to back surgery)? How controlled are the movements? Looks as though you get front (all) but rear may only have swing (if that)? Still shooting the Makina III's? Thanks!
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Rosco: Yep love my II and III Makinas, the backs are interchangeable Makiflex, Makina, and Peco Junior. So a back moves around between the three types. I will weigh my long rail Junior body for you, I bought it from Adorama for Seventy Bucks. Quite a steal. I did have to re-do the light seals, it was fun to do

Here's another uber useful use I have discovered for the Juniors:

SONY DSC by Nokton48, on Flickr

Digital Back Peco Jr 150mm F9 Apo Ronar by Nokton48, on Flickr
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Peco Jr 135 f3.8 Xenar Delta 100 D23 by Nokton48, on Flickr

Windowlight test of Plaubel Peco Junior with 135mm F3.8 chrome Schneider Xenar in Compur Shutter. Delta 100 in 6x9 Plaubel Makina Roll Film Back F11 aperture. Camera movements utilized, strong back tilt, which I could easily see on the magnified screen. The camera is fun to use. I like the out of focus rendering with the Xenar lens. 5x7 RC Arista #2 Dektol Omega Dii 180 black Rodagon. F3.8 is a joy to look through
On my bathroom scale, long scale Peco Junior with Back and lens/board weighs -about- four pounds. It is uber heavy duty built, SOLID vibration free, almost "Leica" like smoothness. I carry mine around mounted to the tripod, and a small bag with a couple of lenses and holders/backs. Extra film to reload backs. That's it. Meter and misc "stuff" in a soft incognito bag. Tiltall tripod types have "Hippy" cloth strap attached for carrying. Too much stuff starts getting heavy, then, what's the point?? :)
Thank You! It has been a fun ride, collecting Plaubel stuff cheaply. "Livin' Large for Little" in a way LOL :) Plaubel used to call themselves "The Rolls Royce of Photography" in their advertisements. I can see why when I use it

Stuff does come along
So is there an equivalent Graflok back for 2X3 for using sheet film.... if that's still done? There's some benefits to sheets and sheet processing.
Just curious whether you use it exclusively in 120 roll film or what?

And best I can tell, you must be a mechanical whiz to cobble some of these parts into working combos.... or is it easier than it looks?
SONY DSC by Nokton48, on Flickr

I bought a brand new Jim Galvin 2x3 Graphic Spring Back from , then took an olde Peco Jr back board, and plugged up the holes. Then I cut a piece of Alder (very hard wood) and screwed it all together with brass wood screws from Lowes. This works best with longer lenses, not uber wides. But it works well and actually was pretty easy for klutzy Me to engineer and build it. It was fun to do. BTW it dosen't work well with wider lenses, due to the extension piece. But the GOOD thing is that was designed to work with the most modern Graphic Film Backs. I also use it with Graphmatic Graphic Backs, and Graphic 2x3" film holders. I like the discipline of using 2x3 sheet film, but the Galvin Back stretches WAAAY out to fit the Graphic RH10, RH8, RH12, and RH20 roll backs, which is uber cool actually. :)

Plaubel made a back to take Graphic Holders, and the good news is that the Bail opens it enough to accommodate the much thicker Deluxe Linhof 2x3 Holders. I found one on Ebay. With Plaubel you would need a back for roll holders, specifically Makina ones in 6x6, 6x9, and 35mm. That back also takes Plaubel Makina 6.5x9cm single shot plates, I have about 50 of them purchased in various bundles.
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SONY DSC by Nokton48, on Flickr

Fred Newman at The Darkroom Store looked around for me, and he had in stock, a smaller version (fits about 18x18 inches), perfect for my two Peco Juniors. This finishes my basic kit for these cameras and it works great, will get used to it. Since I have three Spring-Loaded Sheet Film Backs, The Galvin 2x3 (fits Graphic sheet and lever wind roll backs), The Plaubel Makiflex #526 Bail Back (fits 6x9 and 2x3 Linhof Glass Holders!, and finally, a grey 6x9 European Peco Jr Sheet Back, which came with dedicated 6x9 single shot holders, and a couple of double sided, too. This hood works with all of these, and is very well designed to be useful to me. Much nicer than the olde horse blanket! Camera shown with my Fuji GX680 180mm F3.2 in Seiko Shutter.

The tripod is original version Leitz Tiltall modified by me.
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