Prototype Cars at the Hotel Last Night


Just another hotel clerk
Local time
5:40 AM
Jul 16, 2004
I'm an overnight hotel audit clerk. It was interesting to note last night at the hotel that we had two prototype electric cars at one of our charging stations. No obvious mfg marks, Michigan manufacturers plates. The others in the party were driving Hyundai cars but that could be as much camo as the black and white color scheme.

Anyway, had to drag out the Leica 😈


Didn't have time while emptying the trash to do anything fancy, but it was fun to document it nonetheless.
A former employee of Ford told me they're probably Ford prototypes - Escort bodies and that's the colors they like to use. Funny :)
I'm from Michigan and see "M" plate cars all the time. These cars could be GM, Ford, Stellantis, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, etc. all of which have engineering facilities in SE Michigan. My own guess is that they're probably some future Kia or Hyundai model. This past Monday I saw several test cars (not in camo) at a charger in my small town.

And Ford hasn't made the Escort in 20+ years.

Jim B.
Just saying what she said to me after seeing the pics. The guests were with a tech company so I think they were testing parts rather than a full car.