Leotax LTM rock bottom $$$ rangefinder bodies

Leotax M39 screw mount bodies


Local time
10:32 PM
Oct 28, 2014
I just picked up a fully working leotax f for just $35 and leotax fv for $68 off ebay. Anyone else finding great deals? Looks like no interest in film cameras anymore. Do you think it will be long before lens prices fall?
Those are both great deals. Though I'm afraid lens prices aren't going anywhere but up, as long as you can stick them on a mirrorless camera of some sort.
I feel like this exact same topic has been started (even mentioned Leotax too I think) before.

Camera bodies are mostly cheap now unless they have a recognizable brand name and some sort of collectibility. Lens prices, I'll agree are not going to fall, save for a few special lenses that enjoyed fads of internet popularity (bokeh kings/monsters, whatever, the whole lot of them, for instance). But even then that's just a few bubbles bursting, not lenses as a whole.

Camera bodies could be cheap because no one wants them after the lenses have been taken off for use on digital things. So the body alone gets sold cheaply... And who wants one without a lens and lens prices going up and up?

Regards, David
Have you film tested the cameras as yet? It is also possible that these went cheaply because of the lack of understanding on the part of the seller. As stated lens prices will not be going down IMO since most can be adapted to digi bodies and therefore have a long useful life.

I hope this trend continues then I will not be tempted to ever sell any of my film gear.:D:D
Uhh just a guess, dollar has increased in value at least from where I live. Pricing most of us out of the market

Sellers in turn sell for less since they get more from the dollar they receive (assuming you bought the leotax overseas?)
There have been bargains like these on ebay for years, if you're patient and/or lucky; most by sellers who have no idea what they are selling. But it all depends on condition. A Leotax that doesn't work and needs curtains is worth less than zero, as it costs more to refurb than it's worth afterwards.
I believe all used cameras need a good cla. So I;m willing to take a chance without a guarantee. The seller was Roberts camera store. Two weeks ago they posted 2 minolta II for $27 each several leotax k's and f's and the fv. I think these are far better then fed's or zorki's. I loaded the leotax f and will be using this week. Curtains are nice and pliable no cracks or holes. viewfinders are clean. Cosmetics look good. Slow speeds stick on leotax fv an easy clean. I sold most my collection a few years ago. I keep my favorites still. Although a little depressing seeing the value slip. Still hopeing for cheaper lenses in the future
I have had good luck with Roberts. Bought an oly 35RC a while back, absolutely perfect, in the box, $25 shipped. They didn't want to bother with it, and marked it untested, sold as-is.
I wonder how much darkroom equip is making it to the city dump. You can't hardly give it away. I use a little durst now. I have a big omega d3 for $30 if anyone lives in the st augustine florida area?
I don't know how you managed to get Leotax bodies for those rock bottom prices as the same store is selling a Leotax T without lens for $ 258.00, hardly cheap for a common Leotax Barnack copy.
Interesting... how is that Leotax compare with say... Zorki or Fed ?

Leotax was generally considered to be the best made of the close Japanese Leica copies. Nicca and Honor were in the middle. Tanack was at the bottom.

Canon & Minolta were considered separate high end designs due to their innovative improvements.

All much higher quality than Zorki or Fed.

I bought same day posted item 201679836561 and item 201679830161 accepted best offer

A lot of sellers advertise parts or repair now just to be done with the sale. So they don't renegotiate later with ebayers looking for a better deal.


The shutter curtains look like they need to be replaced ( they look to be more than dirty) on that bargain priced Leotax F. Not a bad deal if one is competent enough to tackle the job in a DIY fashion.
The shutter curtains look like they need to be replaced ( they look to be more than dirty) on that bargain priced Leotax F. Not a bad deal if one is competent enough to tackle the job in a DIY fashion.

shutter curtains are perfect shape no need to replace. I have replaced shutter curtains in the past it's not that big of deal
shutter curtains are perfect shape no need to replace. I have replaced shutter curtains in the past it's not that big of deal

The shutter curtains on the example you originally provided a hyperlink to,http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Showa-Optica...ad43639d20425684e16c107df3a276&pid=100011&rk% the 42 dollar Leotax F body, show less than perfect shutter curtains and in my experience are usually far worse on the pressure plate side as compared to the visible front.

Changing the shutter curtains on a camera is beyond the scope and skill of most camera enthusiasts, let us get realistic here.
Tempted to pick up a Canon EOS 1N body from them for only 45usd but it is being sold in AS IS condition.

I sense a problem especially when a camera store is selling a camera in as is condition.