Rollei LTM Rollei 80mm f2.8 Planar

Rollei M39 screw mount lenses
Wow.. These numbers seem too small for a production run. I'm sure there's more out there in the market. 50 units of the black Sonar 40mm would have sent the prices soaring.

No that's the limit of the production run. The 380 Silver ones were made to go with the silver RF35's and they made a small batch of black ones separately just in case someone wanted to go on a black CL or something, however the lens on its own was approx 1200 dollars which most stayed away from most believing the Summicron/Rokkors at $250 and then not long after the much faster Noktons at $349, were much better value. They sat on the shelves so Rollei didn't bother to make any more and discontinued the line. Being so limited user opinions weren't very common and by the time word got out that it was a pretty good lens and the last of the lenses were heavily discounted and they were snapped up. Only when they were all sold did word get out how rare they really are. There was thread on future collectables and the 40mm Sonnor was one I believe will be hightly sought after in the future.

ISO 200, 1/500 sec, f/2.8. Rollei Planar 80mm f/2.8 HFT LTM on Epson R-D1s
Direct from camera without color/contrast adjustment or sharpening.
Full size image on my flickr page.

Got the Rollei to Nikon adaptor (64213) and mounted it on a SLR and it works! Focus to infinity is possible. Cool!


Here's a sample JPEG picture focused at infinity straight out of the camera. Click for full resolution. (Warning: Large picture)

And here are some quick and dirty daytime test shots..

Click to enlarge. (Warning: Large images)

Shot at 1/200 sec, f/2.8, ISO 100.

Shot at 1/200 sec, f/8.0, ISO 100.

More here for those interested...

Got the Rollei to Nikon adaptor (64213) and mounted it on a SLR and it works! Focus to infinity is possible. Cool!

Thanks for sharing this with us. Cool indeed! How did you manage to focus close focus shots with that adapter? How about the light meter; does it work or not with that adapter & lens combo?
Hi Jari,

The adaptor, or more accurately, the replacement focusing helicoid, allows you to mount the lens on to any Nikon F mount camera. With an additional Nikon F to Canon EF lens mount adaptor, I put the lens on a Canon 1Ds Mk2 (as it had a full frame sensor).

Close focusing is not a problem as it is done through the lens. If you wish, you can convert this lens to allow extreme close focusing via extension tubes.

As for metering, the camera was set to Aperture priority mode and after setting the aperture manually on the lens, the camera will select the shutter speed. Pretty much like the AE mode on Leica M7, Zeiss Ikon or Voigtlander Bessa R3A.

View camera adapters

View camera adapters

I am terribly sorry to revive the old thread, but I cannot find the first hand information on the Planar 80mm.

I want buy the Rollei 80mm in order to adapt the lens to a bellows or a view camera. It looks like that adaptation is possible. If somebody unscrewed the lens from its helicoid or have the relevant information , can you please direct me to the right adapter or a ring that is needed to mount the lens on a view camera?
